I am amazed at the hurt in our world. I am amazed at the Battle that is being fought for your heart and my heart. Your Soul and My Soul. Right Now. Do you believe that? Do you believe that there is a Battle being waged right now for our hearts and souls and the decisions that we will make today? I do! Without a doubt.
Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that our battle is not against Flesh and Blood, but rather against the Rulers, against the Authorities, against the Powers of this Dark World and against the Spiritual Forces of Evil in the heavenly realms. He says that we are to put on the Full Armor of God if we are to take a STAND against the Devil's SCHEMES! To not recognize the Battle, to me, means that you are losing the Battle. This is one Battle that you do not want to lose. No matter what!
I spoke with a kids mom two nights ago and I felt so helpless and sorry for her. She has three kids living at home. An 18 year old boy, a 15 year old boy and a 12 year old girl. 3 kids. 3 different men. None are present. At All! She has had 2 blood transfusions. A pulled muscle in her back. She is on her feet all day painting. She leaves early in the morning and comes home late afternoon. Her 15 year old just got out of jail after 6 months of being 'locked up,' as she called it. She said that his problem is that he just wants to do his 'own thing.' I told her that her son sounded like me. Half kidding. She laughed. As did I. The State let him out of jail and the next day he got into more trouble. He is costing his mom so much money as well as stress and anxiety that she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't want her son back home. 15 years old! T-R-O-U-B-L-E! And I can't blame her. She said, 'Mr. Russell, I pray. I don't go to church much any more because I am working so much, but I pray. I need help. He is running around with the wrong crowd and I don't know what to do. I've never been on welfare, but if these kids don't stop costing me money, then I don't know what else I am supposed to do.' The court costs alone are crazy for her to pay. She told the State to not send her son back home, but rather keep him! She has given up... I cannot imagine being in her shoes.
I had a really great conversation with a kid recently about what Jesus is doing in his life. He was raised in the church for about a month and during that time met Jesus. His life was changed. This was the 5th grade. He fell away and has 'done his own thing' since then. He came to Campaigners a month ago and was blown away. By the other kids. By the openness of the group. By the homey (not like gangsta, but rather about our Home) atmosphere. He sensed the Creator. He sense the Savior. He knew there was more to Life during this time. He shared with me about family problems. Absent dad. Why the HECK is this such an ongoing problem? DADS? HELLOOOOOOOOOO? Wake up and be engaged in your family!!! This is more frustrating to me than almost anything else. If dad's were engaged, would we really have 'this' many problems? My Heart Aches... He then shares about friends, sports and school. What he plans to be / do with his life. His thoughts of suicide and the such. Wait. What? Yep, suicide. I got to tell him about the Battle that is raging for his soul. What is influencing him on a daily basis. We watched a NOOMA video called Noise last night and it spoke about the 'noise' that is in our lives. How consuming it is (or can be) to each of us. Phones. Cell Phones. Voicemail. Television. Radio. iPods. iPhones. And on and on and on and on and on... This 'stuff' distracts us.
We spoke about Elijah (1 Kings 19) going up on the mountain to meet with the Lord. There came a wind ... but the Lord was not in the Wind. There came an earthquake ... but the Lord was not in the Earthquake. There came a fire ... but the Lord was not in the Fire. Then came a small whisper. And the Lord spoke! Is the 'noise' in your life keeping you from hearing the voice of God? Do you even believe that God still speaks? Today? To You?
I am off to write a sermon for this Sunday. I was asked to speak at a church in Belton this Sunday for the Back to School Sunday. I am gonna speak about what it means to follow Jesus. To be His Disciple. To Walk on Water. Please pray for that time. August 3. 10:45 a.m. Keys Valley Baptist Church. Belton. Texas.
The school year will be here in just 23 days. Hard to believe. I don't feel ready at all! We need Leaders. We need Committee. We need Finances. It seems like this cycle never stops. But Jesus has called us to this. Are WE Following Him? Are WE His Disciples? Are WE Engaging A Lost World?
My Heart Aches...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
WoW! Taylor and I left on Saturday, July 19, out of Temple, Texas, on the Amtrak as we headed north bound to Chicago, Illinois! Have you ever ridden a train across the country? Neither had we! And that's why we did it... And we loved it! We met so many different people. All shapes. All sizes. All walks of life. All economic backgrounds. Our 26 hour trip turned into a 29 hour trip. We had a little Rommette which fit us perfect. If you are going to ride the train, you need to get over your patience problem and 'let's hurry up and get there' attitude. The train will get there when it gets there. Relax. It will all be good...

So we pulled into Union Station in Chicago around 5:30 p.m. on Sunday and we were excited of what was ahead. We took a taxi to our hotel and were treated like Kings and Queens! WoWsers... I really screwed up staying at this hotel! After making the reservations several months ago, I called up and informed them that this was gonna be our first Honeymoon outside of Texas. I didn't know if they could 'do' anything, but I wanted them to be aware. Well, they DID do something. They upgraded us from a King Room to the Executive King Suite and sent up Chapaigne and Chocolate Covered Strawberries and chocolates to the room. The hotel is called the Ambassador East Hotel. It sits in the Gold Coast region of Chicago. The Gold Coast is the 3rd richest neighborhood in the USA. We had no idead! We loved it and were REALLY taken care of. We were two blocks off of Lake Shore Drive which runs along Lake Michigan. Which, by the way, is more like the OCEAN! Holy Cow! Have you seen this LAKE? Massive!!! I have never ever seen anything like it. It is B-E-A-UTIFUL! We could not believe that it was a lake!
We ate at some really great restaurants and met some really great people. One night we went to Gibson's Steakhouse and met a wonderful couple from the UK ... Paul and Karen. We got to know them and even hung out afterwards at a Piano Bar called Jilly's. This was their first trip ti Chicago as well. They were staying two nights in Chicago, then a couple of nights in San Francisco, renting a car and driving to Nevada, Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. I am looking forward to hearing from them about their travels. They invited Taylor and I to England to stay with them. We have begun saving our coins...
We also ate at 3rd Coast Cafe, Edwardo's Natural Pizza (our favorite!), Gino's East Pizza (over rated!), Downtown Dogs (we loved the Chicago style hotdog!), the Pump Room which was in our hotel (very classy and fancy smancy), the Beachstro on the Oak Street Beach, Dunkin Donuts. Eating was one of our favorite past times in Chicago.
We saw tons of sites and sounds during our 4 night stay. I can't imagine being there in the winter. This Southern Boy is not interested in that AT ALL...
On Thursday, we rented a car and drove down to Bloomington. On our way down, we stopped and hung out with Rich and Jenny Jo Hartney and their boy, Reagan. It was really great catching up with them. The Hartney's used to be Young Life leaders here in Central Texas. They just got done with a 2 year tour in Korea. Reagan is a HOSS! He is 3 months old and weighs 19 pounds. And he hasn't even eaten any 'food' yet!
ADORABLE!!! Taylor and I really enjoyed Reagan... Maybe we will start looking into what it would mean for us to have one of these 'creatures' of our own! Hmmmmmmm...

Bloomington was a blast. It was so great to be there for Cedric. He asked me to be his Best Man! I felt honored to be in this role!
There was a whole group of old Young Life leaders and such from Central Texas that went to the wedding. Hartney's, Mike and Margaret Helm, Robb and Alyson Dettmer, Werm and Stephanie Holman, us and Josh McWhorter lives there now and is in school at Illinois State University.
Anyhow, I will write more tomorrow. I have lots to discuss / share about this YL area, kids, upcoming school year, leaders and what I am learning about marriage.
Stay tuned!
Random pics for you to enjoy...
Robb Dettmer, Rich Harntey and me
Taylor and I at the Amtrak station in Temple
10 inch Carrot Cake at Gibson's Steakhouse. Candle is in celebration of our Honeymoon.
Me, Josh McWhorter, Cedric Williams and Brandon Grant (officiate)
View of Lake Michigan from Ferris Wheel on Navy Pier. It's like the OCEAN!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A few quotes from kids...
I wanted to give you a couple of quotes (Text Messages) from kids that they have sent me this summer since camp and our weekly Bible study (Campaigners) on Wednesdays...
Lives are being changed for eternity in Central Texas. Know It. Trust It. BELIEVE IT!
Emily - I had a wonderful life-changing time at Sharptop Cove. I thank you and Taylor for opening my eyes to so much!
Zack - Thank you for asking me and telling me about Sharptop Cove. It was the best time ever. I am glad that I went even though the bad part was leaving. It was the best time ever!
Willmari - Thank You Johnny! We love you guys. Y'all have helped bring God into our lives. I am so thankful to have you guys as friends.
Josh - Thanks for telling me about Young Life. It was great (talking about Campaigners last night as we went over Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2) and now I feel so happy and reborn again like I am on the road to my new and holy life for God. Oh Yeah, last night when I got home I had about 45 minutes with God! When is the next YL because I told one of my bst friends and he wants to come and put a stop to his wrong road of travel. I need strength and guidance and to stop following ... and to become a leader of the Lord.
While reading Mark 2 last night, we talked about the five 'people' that were in the story: Jesus, the paralytic, the friends of the paralytic, the religious people and the crowd who kept the friends from seeing Jesus. It was great going around the room asking the kids whom they were in the story. What about you? Who are you in the story?
Because High School kids are worth it...
Lives are being changed for eternity in Central Texas. Know It. Trust It. BELIEVE IT!
Emily - I had a wonderful life-changing time at Sharptop Cove. I thank you and Taylor for opening my eyes to so much!
Zack - Thank you for asking me and telling me about Sharptop Cove. It was the best time ever. I am glad that I went even though the bad part was leaving. It was the best time ever!
Willmari - Thank You Johnny! We love you guys. Y'all have helped bring God into our lives. I am so thankful to have you guys as friends.
Josh - Thanks for telling me about Young Life. It was great (talking about Campaigners last night as we went over Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2) and now I feel so happy and reborn again like I am on the road to my new and holy life for God. Oh Yeah, last night when I got home I had about 45 minutes with God! When is the next YL because I told one of my bst friends and he wants to come and put a stop to his wrong road of travel. I need strength and guidance and to stop following ... and to become a leader of the Lord.
While reading Mark 2 last night, we talked about the five 'people' that were in the story: Jesus, the paralytic, the friends of the paralytic, the religious people and the crowd who kept the friends from seeing Jesus. It was great going around the room asking the kids whom they were in the story. What about you? Who are you in the story?
Because High School kids are worth it...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I am challenged...
My friend Matt Moehrig and Still Water Christian Ministries gave me a book for speaking last week at their soccer camp.
The Book? Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. I am sad that I began reading it. I am sad that I read the back cover. Here is a link where you can read the book online as well as to a study guide. Be prepared. It is gonna Rock You left and right ... http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/OnlineBooks/ByTitle/1593_Dont_Waste_Your_Life/
The back cover says this: John Piper writes, 'I will tell you what a tragedy is. I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 Reader's Digest: A couple 'took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler, play softball and collect shells....' Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: 'Look, Lord. See my shells.' That is a tragedy.
I challenge you to read this book. This SHATTERS the American Dream. Work hard for a season and then do what you want to do. I began thinking. Did Jesus take an early retirement? Did Jesus ever do what He wanted to do? Or just what the Father wanted Him to do? What about the Disciples? Retirement for Peter, James and John?
More from cover: Most people slip by in life without a passion for God, spending their lives on trivial diversions, living for comfort and pleasure, and perhaps trying to avoid sin. This book will warn you not to get caught up in a life that counts for nothing. It will challenge you to live and die in boasting in the cross of Christ and making the glory of God your singular passion. If you believe that to live is Christ and to die is gain, read this book, learn to live for Christ, and don't waste your life!
Are you challenged? I wish I would have never read the words from this book. It has changed me already...
These words from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest rocked me this morning... Quit praying for yourself and be spent for others as the bondslave of Jesus. That is the meaning of being made broken bread and poured out wine in reality.
Heaven's to Betsy! Does that rattle your cage? At least a lil' bit? If not, you must examine your heart to make sure that it knows Jesus. Or do you just know about Jesus in your head and not know Jesus in your heart? That is the longest 12 inches ever ... from your head to your heart.
Happy Struggling...
The Book? Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. I am sad that I began reading it. I am sad that I read the back cover. Here is a link where you can read the book online as well as to a study guide. Be prepared. It is gonna Rock You left and right ... http://www.desiringgod.org/ResourceLibrary/OnlineBooks/ByTitle/1593_Dont_Waste_Your_Life/
The back cover says this: John Piper writes, 'I will tell you what a tragedy is. I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 Reader's Digest: A couple 'took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler, play softball and collect shells....' Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: 'Look, Lord. See my shells.' That is a tragedy.
I challenge you to read this book. This SHATTERS the American Dream. Work hard for a season and then do what you want to do. I began thinking. Did Jesus take an early retirement? Did Jesus ever do what He wanted to do? Or just what the Father wanted Him to do? What about the Disciples? Retirement for Peter, James and John?
More from cover: Most people slip by in life without a passion for God, spending their lives on trivial diversions, living for comfort and pleasure, and perhaps trying to avoid sin. This book will warn you not to get caught up in a life that counts for nothing. It will challenge you to live and die in boasting in the cross of Christ and making the glory of God your singular passion. If you believe that to live is Christ and to die is gain, read this book, learn to live for Christ, and don't waste your life!
Are you challenged? I wish I would have never read the words from this book. It has changed me already...
These words from Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest rocked me this morning... Quit praying for yourself and be spent for others as the bondslave of Jesus. That is the meaning of being made broken bread and poured out wine in reality.
Heaven's to Betsy! Does that rattle your cage? At least a lil' bit? If not, you must examine your heart to make sure that it knows Jesus. Or do you just know about Jesus in your head and not know Jesus in your heart? That is the longest 12 inches ever ... from your head to your heart.
Happy Struggling...
Monday, July 14, 2008
For a day or five...
Gosh! It seems like weeks since I have written last... It is amazing where time goes. That stuff called Time sure can fly by. Where does it really go? And why so FAST? I am encouraged to live this day even more to the fullest. I want to finish strong. The Race set before me.
Last week seemed like a really long week. I was Speaking at and doing Program at Still Water Sports Camp (http://stillwatersportscamp.com) at Stoney Creek Ranch in New Ulm, Texas. New Ulm? That's right, New Ulm! It's right outside of Columbus, Texas. Columbus? Oh Yeah! Now these are small towns in Texas... It was a really great experience for for me. My best friend and best man in my wedding started Still Water Christian Ministries back in 2000 or so and has been putting on sports camps since then. They do not have their own property yet, but hope to one day. The week I was there, it was a Soccer Camp. There were 60 middle school age kids out and they got incredible soccer training. The head coaches were Lee and Danny Baker from the Houston Texans Football Club (http://www.texansfc.org/) along with a couple of other coaches from high schools and colleges. One of them being a great friend from college, Kevin Napier. What a treat it was to get to be around Kevin again. I am amazed at the people / friends that I have gotten to know over the years of my life. I feel so privileged to have such a great friends. There are many who don't have even 1 good friend.
I spoke 5 times and gave the gospel presentation:
Sunday, Day 1 - Who is God / Jesus. Colossians 1:15 - Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. We sometimes have misconceptions about who God is. Some are Grandpa God, Santa God and Police God.
Monday, Day 2 - Person of Christ. Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus calms the storm...not only in the physical realm, but also in the spiritual, emotional and mental realms of our lives! Do we believe this?
Tuesday, Day 3 - Sin / Need. Genesis 3 - the Fall of Man. Because of Man's Disobedience to God, there is nothing WE can do to be made 'right' with God ever again. We are Helpless ... but not Hopeless!
Wednesday, Day 4 - Cross! This is the most exciting talk to ever give! John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal Life!!! Does it get any better than that? Jesus is why we are not Hopeless!
Thursday, Day 5 - Life with Christ. Mark 5:24-34 - We've got to stay plugged in to the Power Source. Get involved. Stay involved. Still Water. FCA. Young Life. Church. It is mandatory that we stayed plugged in to Christ! Forever. And Ever.
I got home totally exhausted on Thursday and just chilled out all weekend. Taylor and I rented two movies: The Bucket List and American Gangster. I liked both of the films. I would watch them again. Taylor and I both cried in the Bucket List. This film has Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickleson in it. They are at their 'last days' with sickness. The Bucket List is a List of things that they want to do before the 'kick the Bucket.' I thought it was emotional.
I have a busy week this week catching up on things in the office and then gone again all next week. Taylor and I are traveling to Chicago for our 2nd honeymoon and one of my best friends' wedding where I am the Best Man! Cedric Williams is his name. One of the greatest men that you will ever meet.
Life is moving fast. Real Fast. May we not miss the little things.
I hope to be faithful to this blog this week. We shall see how that goes.
As far as Jesus goes, I am reading the entire book of Philippians every single day for 30 days. By the end, I should 'own' that book. Wanna jump on board? This is gonna be a great way to study books of the Bible.
Peace like a River...
And OH! Because High School kids are SO worth it...
Last week seemed like a really long week. I was Speaking at and doing Program at Still Water Sports Camp (http://stillwatersportscamp.com) at Stoney Creek Ranch in New Ulm, Texas. New Ulm? That's right, New Ulm! It's right outside of Columbus, Texas. Columbus? Oh Yeah! Now these are small towns in Texas... It was a really great experience for for me. My best friend and best man in my wedding started Still Water Christian Ministries back in 2000 or so and has been putting on sports camps since then. They do not have their own property yet, but hope to one day. The week I was there, it was a Soccer Camp. There were 60 middle school age kids out and they got incredible soccer training. The head coaches were Lee and Danny Baker from the Houston Texans Football Club (http://www.texansfc.org/) along with a couple of other coaches from high schools and colleges. One of them being a great friend from college, Kevin Napier. What a treat it was to get to be around Kevin again. I am amazed at the people / friends that I have gotten to know over the years of my life. I feel so privileged to have such a great friends. There are many who don't have even 1 good friend.
I spoke 5 times and gave the gospel presentation:
Sunday, Day 1 - Who is God / Jesus. Colossians 1:15 - Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. We sometimes have misconceptions about who God is. Some are Grandpa God, Santa God and Police God.
Monday, Day 2 - Person of Christ. Mark 4:35-41 - Jesus calms the storm...not only in the physical realm, but also in the spiritual, emotional and mental realms of our lives! Do we believe this?
Tuesday, Day 3 - Sin / Need. Genesis 3 - the Fall of Man. Because of Man's Disobedience to God, there is nothing WE can do to be made 'right' with God ever again. We are Helpless ... but not Hopeless!
Wednesday, Day 4 - Cross! This is the most exciting talk to ever give! John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal Life!!! Does it get any better than that? Jesus is why we are not Hopeless!
Thursday, Day 5 - Life with Christ. Mark 5:24-34 - We've got to stay plugged in to the Power Source. Get involved. Stay involved. Still Water. FCA. Young Life. Church. It is mandatory that we stayed plugged in to Christ! Forever. And Ever.
I got home totally exhausted on Thursday and just chilled out all weekend. Taylor and I rented two movies: The Bucket List and American Gangster. I liked both of the films. I would watch them again. Taylor and I both cried in the Bucket List. This film has Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickleson in it. They are at their 'last days' with sickness. The Bucket List is a List of things that they want to do before the 'kick the Bucket.' I thought it was emotional.
I have a busy week this week catching up on things in the office and then gone again all next week. Taylor and I are traveling to Chicago for our 2nd honeymoon and one of my best friends' wedding where I am the Best Man! Cedric Williams is his name. One of the greatest men that you will ever meet.
Life is moving fast. Real Fast. May we not miss the little things.
I hope to be faithful to this blog this week. We shall see how that goes.
As far as Jesus goes, I am reading the entire book of Philippians every single day for 30 days. By the end, I should 'own' that book. Wanna jump on board? This is gonna be a great way to study books of the Bible.
Peace like a River...
And OH! Because High School kids are SO worth it...
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