Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The latest...

Life has moved very quick this past semester...
I can't believe that it is almost over. We have only 22 days left in December!

I don't really even remember October or November. Has that ever happened to you? Time can move by so fast...

Here is a great pic of some of our Harker Heights kids at Club last week. Our high school friends are such a joy to us...

Taylor and I decorated our home this year the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We put up about twice as many lights this year...per Taylor's request. I really like the 'star' in our upstairs window along with the tree in the front yard wrapped with 10 strands of lights! Taylor got DIZZY put those on.

But my very most favorite decoration is this one simple sign in our front yard!
Wise Men Still Seek Him!
Absolutely! I truly believe that.

I killed my first buck on Monday (12/7/2009) morning in Milano, Texas. I am really proud of it and love this pic with the cross in the background. By the way, that's a leaf on the deer's neck, not the bullet hole.

Have an Incredible Day!
Please pray for me as I venture to Leakey, Texas, to speak at the Corpus Christi Polar Bear this weekend. I am hopefully going to take a few of our YL Kids which would be really awesome. These guys need to meet Jesus.
During this Christmas Season, Taylor and I are thankful for Emmanuel (God with us)! What an Awesome God we serve who would leave everything perfect to come to a place where perfection is lacking. That He would leave a place of Pure Light to come to a place where Darkness Reigns. That He would leave all of His Royal Privileges behind to become a man birthed by a lowly Jewish girl. That He would leave all Power behind and be put at our Mercy... to love him, care for him, feed him, nurture him, hate him, betray him, punch him, crucify him and kill him!
Yet Jesus STILL came. For You. And Me.
That is where our focus will be. What about yours?
Peace On Earth.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Polar Bear ... HERE WE COME!

This after noon will mark the beginning of our 8th Annual Polar Bear Winter Retreat in Central Texas! We have 67 kids and leaders signed up so far. The bus pulls out in 5 and a half hours an then it will be ON!

The temperatures are droppin', the rain is comin' in and the water is no doubt very frigid! We will be making our Annual Polar Bear Plunge into the water tomorrow afternoon. What EXCITEMENT that will be. Seriously! I am usually the very first one in the water to lead the charge. If kids are gonna follow, we must lead them, right?

I'm praying that I don't get sick this year. I am speaking at a Polar Bear next weekend in Leakey, Texas, for Corpus Christi Young Life. I do not need to be feeling bad for that event!

We would love your prayers.
Pray for Safety and Salvation!
Pray that we would love our high school friends extremely well this weekend.

Bless You...