We know that folks really don't care about text and such, but just wanna see pics of our beautiful baby girl and family...
But I'm going to give you some text so you can know what is going on! HA... I'm in CONTROL here ---- Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa.
Every year we have a Young Life Staff / Spouse Retreat in South Padre Island and it is such an awesome time. It is so funny because it never fails that when we are there, there is some random group of Spring Breakers from Minnesota that have come south for Spring Break to 'live it up'... But they are just 3 weeks too late! Poor Souls.
So instead of college folks, they get us OLD Spring Breakers! Hence the name... Spring Break '88.
This was Finley's first time to fly. She did really great. Hardly a peep on the plane. It was much more of a handful traveling with a baby though. Sliding Finley through that x-ray machine right behind our shoes and belts was a learning experience!

Pool Time! This was Finley's first time to ever be in a pool. She was PUMPED about it...obviously.

My first bikini! I'm breaking all the rules already...and I'm cute, to boot!

I have always wanted to own a ROBE and that was our gift this year with an embroidered YL!
So awesome...

During our 'Information Celebration' a.k.a. our 4 hour Business Meeting, the wives went to the Brownsville Zoo... Tay loves animals and enjoyed getting to hang out with 100 year old tortoises. Fin is not amused!

That's all folks...