Anywho, they asked him about his upbringing. Collin said that his parents taught him two things ... the first one I (jdr) cannot remember, but the second was this --> A Sense of Shame! A Sense of Shame! Collin's parents taught him this. They taught him to be ashamed of some things. I like that. I felt like I was taught the same thing.
Taylor and I were driving through the Wal-Mart parking lot on Sunday and this girl and guy were walking in front of us. She was pregnant. My guess is is that he was the father. They looked liked 'normal' people. Much like you and me. If you would call that 'normal.' This girl wore a black 'hoodie' with the words F*CK OFF at the bottom! Seriously? Who does that? No Sense of Shame! About a year ago, I was walking in to the Killeen Mall and there were two guys walking out of the mall towards me. One of the dudes wore a shirt with ENORMOUS letters on the front that read: F*CK YOU, I'M FROM TEXAS! OoooooooK? And? Dude, why are you wearing that on your shirt ... for starters?
I am not sure if it is my age or what, but people are getting more and more bold it appears. Have you noticed this? I was leaving the bank the other day turning right at the light. Our light was green and there were two lanes to turn right on. There was a lady in front of me and she was turning right as well. As she began to turn right, a guy coming from the other direction (whom I sure had a green light as well) began to turn rather than waiting for her to turn since we did have the right of way. Stopped and honked in amazement. He stops mid intersection, lifts his hand and begins to 'wave with 1 finger!' This guy was giving this 50 something year old lady The Bird. I could not believe it. So I pulled up next to him and repaid him the favor. Just Kidding!!! I did not do that, but I wanted to. Is that bad that I wanted to do that?
Anyhow, all that to say that it seems like our world is lacking in the Sense of Shame Department! Would you agree or disagree? Let me know your Wisdom...
Club last night was great again. We had a few less kids, but lots of energy which makes all the difference in the world! The kids sang loud. And then Buddy McPherson and Skippy came out. Skippy, Buddy's Amazing Wonder Fish, is going to Sharptop Cove summer camp in June and is inviting all of the kids to go with him. Yes, he is a Real Fish! Believe It! Why would I NOT get a real fish? Thank You. Skippy has blobbed. Skippy has fetched a knife and a camp flyer. Skippy has zip-lined. And last night, Skippy walked on a Bed O' Nails!!! Well, he really didn't walk on them, but rather was punctured by them ... because Buddy threw him on the nails. It was Classic. The kids loved it. Skippy is more than 4 months old and smells really bad.
Dan gave the Club Talk and spoke about knowing 'where you are.' He told a great story about his tour in Iraq and one of the times that they were fired upon by the Enemy. You had to know where your men were and where the enemy was as well during this fire fight if you were to survive. Dan challenged the kids to take a closer look at Jesus and decide that night 'where they were' with Him. Then Dan got inside a boat (which is very convenient since we meet at Texas Boat World!) and challenged the kids to step out of the boat. Just as Peter did. He did a really great job. He is gonna be missed...
Please continue to pray for kids to sign up for Sharptop Cove this summer. Thanks for sending in money to help kids go to camp. It is making a difference! Pray against the Enemy seeking to Kill, Steal, and Destroy our efforts for kids to meet Jesus.
Pray for a Sense of Shame...
Buddy and Skippy
Buddy and Skippy and Bed O' Nails!
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