It's hard to believe we are 90 days out from Christmas 2009. And that means my 1 year anniversary. Oh, how time flies.
Last night we had our first YL Club of the school year and boy was it Rockin'! We had about 40 kids come out and mostly all new kids. These are kids that we have been sharing life with the past semester, but didn't necessarily come to anything Young Life events. I was really exhausted at the end of the evening.
Music was great, the skit / game was really funny and my talk was pretty mediocre. Chris played songs such as Sweet Home Alabama, Waiting on the World to Change, I'm Yours, The World's Greatest, I still haven't found what I'm looking for and Prince of Peace. Will North and I came out as our newest skit characters ... Speedy and Zippo, the Speed Walking Sensation thats Sweeping the Nation! YOU LAY IT, WE WALK IT! The kids thought it was really funny. And the game was perfect. See pics below. We put frosting on both sides of plexiglass and the couple had to lick it off the quickest. I love to see kids being kids!
I spoke about life being funny. Full of Ups and Downs. Joys. Pains. Struggles. Somehow in the midst of Chaos, there is Order! We may not be able to see the Big Picture right now, but there is a big picture. I used a Cross-Stitch picture. On one side you have chaos: threads, staples, rough edges and the such. On the other side, you have a complete picture. Whole. It makes sense. Perfect. When you see life from one side, it's impossible to the other side at the same time. I also spoke about the UnTruths that this world feeds us: All roads lead to heaven. The god of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity are all the same. To get into heaven all you have to be is good; as long as my good outweighs my bad when I die, I am IN! Being a Christian is about obeying the 10 Commandments. I then spoke from Colossians 2:8-9 which speaks about not giving in to Hollow and Deceptive Philosophy which depends on the world rather than on Christ. But in Christ, all the Fullness of God dwells in Bodily Form! WOW!
Our hope is that as kids are fed the lies from the world Tuesday - Sunday, we hope that on Mondays, they will choose to come and hear the Real Truth! The Truth that will set them FREE! We hope to turn over the Cross-Stitch picture for them each week to show them Order rather than Chaos.
And that's a wrap! It was a great evening. Thanks for praying...
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Speedy & Zippo doing 'Major Stretching'
What are they doing?
Shawna and Ryan LOVE icing...
Kids listen to the Truth
Because they are WELL Worth It...
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