Thursday, October 16, 2008

Campaigners on Wednesday...

Well, we are having about half of our club peeps coming to Campaigners on Wednesdays. It is REALLY encouraging, but getting too big. Not too big in a sense that kids are sharing or being intimate, too big in the sense that we are running out of room in our home!

We watched the NOOMA video LUMP last night. We spoke about how our 'junk' always catches up with us. No matter what. We are always found out. We will always get exposed! I love how 'REAL' Campaigners is. Kids were so moved by the video. I talked to a kid today at lunch about last night. It was his first time to come to Campaigners. He was sitting 1 guy down from me. 10 people at this one table. I said, 'Hey bro, what did you think about last night?' He responds, 'I loved it! I was challenged to confess my sins and stop running from my past.' ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What Sophomore says THAT? I sat there in awe of the words that just dripped from his mouth! Thank You Jesus for that Sweet Treat!

Please pray for the next 12 days. We have our 7th Annual Fundraising Banquet coming up on Monday, October 27. Please lean into our Savior with me and pray that God would moves hearts during this time.

Bless you...

Enjoy these two pics of our Campaigners group from last night

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