Thursday, November 13, 2008

a couple thoughts...

I am always blown away by how our God moves. And quite frankly, how he allows the enemy to move as well.

I was asked by the EHS girls basketball coach to lead the Varsity team in some team building activities and to talk to the about Jesus. 'Heaven knows these girls need Jesus!' I love it when there are Believers inside the walls of our government institutions!

Anyhow, I did lead the time and the girls really loved it. So much that the coach said that they wanted to do it once a month and wanted to know if I was willing to help out! WoWsers... Got Paycheck? It was a real treat to be able to do this with this team. They are fun girls and the coaches are really great!

At the end of the time, I did get to talk about Jesus for about 12 minutes or so. I started with Adam and Eve and ended with you and me. We went from Creation to Sin to the Cross to Redemption to what it looks like to walk with Jesus today! I told them about a special day in my life ten months ago. I showed up at the church with my friends and family. Taylor did the same. Our pastors were there along with the musicians. I went into church that day an UNmarried man and I left the church an UNmarried man. The reason was because it was just the REHEARSAL!!! We were just going through the motions. It was not the real thing! As is it with Life. Many people 'play' Church. Or 'play' Christianity! Many people are just going through the Motions! The following day, we showed back up at the church and did the exact same thing, but this time Taylor and I MADE A COMMITMENT! This is what made it REAL! I challenged the girls to make a commitment to Christ... They listened so very well.

I call this the Spider Game. There is a ring in the center with strings going out on each side. A tennis ball rests on the ring. The object is to drop the tennis ball in the cup...

Silly Faces...

The Human Knot...

Ahhhhhhh, smiley faces!

On another note:
I don't know what to say about this. Coming soon to a Washington D.C. bus stop near you!
Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do...
The enemy is at work!

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