Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, I got a nasty email (not really nasty...just a figure of speech) about me not giving 'props', 'accolades', 'credit' to my 'uncle' about the last blog that I wrote. In it I spoke about a political email that I received that I included in my blog. The email was titled Ice Cream and Politics or something like that.
So to you ... (be thinking 'Real Men of Genius' from Budweiser) ... Mr. Give Me Credit For My Email Uncle Guy. Hats off to you for the way that you forward on emails that have struck a chord in your soul. You love the Marines. You love Hunting. You don't love democrats or gun control. But it's the forwarded emails that really 'Crank Your Tractor.' It's sitting at your computer at night shaking your head in agreement or disagreement at the slew of emails that you filter through each and every day. We know how you feel. We do it to. It's where we find out who we really are. Will we REALLY forward this email on to someone else or will we be damned to hell if we don't? Those are the questions that 'rattle our cages' in the midday grind. So it's to you, Mr. Give Me Credit For My Email Uncle Guy, that I salute. It's to you for your boldness in forwarded on those emails that others may be too afraid to send on. But not you! Rather than hitting 'Delete', you hit 'Forward.' And you took the Challenge! You said, 'here's where I stand America!' And I'm not afraid to show it! Semper Fi...
I hope you like that 'Uncle Guy' .... I salute you, Mr. Wayne 'Winkie' Porowski, for the way that you forward emails. I will always give you credit from this day 'forward!'
On another extremely different note, Young Life Club on Monday and Campaigners on Wednesday were INCREDIBLE! We have such an Awesome platform to share Life with kids. Our theme for Club this semester is the 'World's View vs Bible's View.' What does the world say and what does God say? Absolute Truth vs. Relativism. Is there right and wrong? Is there a 'line in the sand?' Is life Black and White ... or is it Gray? I think the World's View is gonna be somewhere around EXACT OPPOSITE of the Bible's View! You can't live in the Gray and say you believe in the Black and White. Those thoughts, lifestyle and ideas don't match up.
I left the kids with 4 Truths:
1. There is a God
2. He (God) created us
3. He (God) loves us more than we could ever imagine
4. We were created to be in Relationship with God. It only makes sense that 'creation' would not be complete unless it knew its 'Creator.' There is this hole in our heart that we try to fill with the CREATED rather than the CREATOR! I even went so far as to say that I think we were created to be in Right Relationship with our PARENTS! Risky, I know. But I did it! And not one kid snickered, jeered, laughed or anything. Again, it only makes sense. Our Parents 'made' us and we are 'theirs' so the connection is very evident.
Campaigners was just as Great! We talked about the Parable of the Growing Seed and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Kids want to talk. We ended at 9:10 p.m. and kids would not leave. I had two guys at my kitchen table till 11:15 talking about Relationships with their parents. Trust me when I tell you that we live in a BROKEN WORLD! When people live by the World's View, our world becomes even more Broken!
Bless you.
Thank You.
Because High Schoolers Are Worth It...
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I don't do politics ... but,
That's right, I don't do politics and the such, but I got this email from an uncle and found it interesting. Do with it what you will...
Ice Cream & The Election
Excellent analogy!
From a teacher in the Nashville area.
Who worries about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cream?
The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year.
The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.
I decided we would have an election for a class president.
We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.
We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.
We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.
The class had done a great job in their selections.
Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he had lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia's mother.
The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first.
He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best.
Everyone applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise.
She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream." She sat down.
The class went wild. "Yes! Yes! We want ice cream." She surely could say more. She did not have to.
A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn't sure.
Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it? She didn't know.
The class really didn't care. All they were thinking about was ice cream.
Jamie was forgotten.
Olivia won by a landslide.
Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and fifty-two percent of the people reacted like nine year olds. They want ice cream.
The other forty-eight percent of us know we're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.
Well, that wasn't to bad, was it? I hope I don't get any hate mail. Heck, I know of only one for sure person who reads this and I know that she will not be against it.
On another note, it is really cold and there was ice on the rooftops and cars this morning. Not on the streets very much, so school was not cancelled like in the Dallas area. Taylor was hoping that she would not have to go to work today, but rather work from home. She did not get her wish. Sorry Babe!
Enjoy your cold day...
Ice Cream & The Election
Excellent analogy!
From a teacher in the Nashville area.
Who worries about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cream?
The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year.
The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.
I decided we would have an election for a class president.
We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.
We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.
We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.
The class had done a great job in their selections.
Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he had lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia's mother.
The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first.
He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best.
Everyone applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise.
She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream." She sat down.
The class went wild. "Yes! Yes! We want ice cream." She surely could say more. She did not have to.
A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn't sure.
Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it? She didn't know.
The class really didn't care. All they were thinking about was ice cream.
Jamie was forgotten.
Olivia won by a landslide.
Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and fifty-two percent of the people reacted like nine year olds. They want ice cream.
The other forty-eight percent of us know we're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.
Well, that wasn't to bad, was it? I hope I don't get any hate mail. Heck, I know of only one for sure person who reads this and I know that she will not be against it.
On another note, it is really cold and there was ice on the rooftops and cars this morning. Not on the streets very much, so school was not cancelled like in the Dallas area. Taylor was hoping that she would not have to go to work today, but rather work from home. She did not get her wish. Sorry Babe!
Enjoy your cold day...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The new is gone, the old has come...
I met with a friend the other day (one of our old YL kids that graduated last Spring) for breakfast and we were talking about how we were, how life was, how our hearts and souls were, time at church and time with Jesus...
And it struck me. I am not sure how it struck me. Well, I guess I was saddened. I could definitely relate. And I got a glimpse of how God feels.
When I asked him about church and time with Jesus, he said that he can remember the time when he stopped the two (church and Jesus). Him and his girlfriend were going through a Christian Devotional together then one day she forgot to bring it to the meeting. The next day time did not permit them to meet and then their times with Jesus vanished! Gone. Just like that. They still pray. They are really great kids. They don't do anything 'crazy.' But the discipline of meeting with Christ was no longer. And I felt sad.
The following day another friend of mine gave me a forward from one of her friends called 'Morning Tea.' It has got to be written by a women and probably each morning.
The email is titled Stay Where You Are! Then it asks this question ... Why would the Prodigal Son leave his father's house when everything he needed was there? That is a REALLY great question! She gave 4 answers, but I can't get past the first. Her answer? He got used to the benefits and took them for granted. We're not slow learners, just QUICK FORGETTERS! That's why God told his people, 'Be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery' Deuteronomy 6:12. When they crossed the Jordan and entered the Promised Land, God told them to take twelve stones, one for each tribe, and build a memorial. Why? TO REMIND THEM OF WHO THEY WERE, WHO HE WAS AND THE COVENANT TAT BOUND THEM TOGETHER!
I am so guilty of forgetting. Forgetting the things that really matter. Forgetting to put First Things First. Forgetting to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. It's easy to forget. When I first starting writing in the 'blog world,' I put these words on the page ... Americans are known as Incredible Starters, but Horrible Finishers! And I am guilty of that one too! May we finish the Race STRONG today! Tomorrow will take care of itself.
As I came into the office today, a guy who works in my office building drive his 1929 Ford Roadster (a.k.a. The Rat Rod) ot work today. And so we went for a ride this morning and then again after lunch. This thing is SO COOL! This car will turn some heads! It was Amazing how many people looked at us. It is LOUD! There are no doors. You have to crawl over the sides to get in. It is a very fun car. Enjoy the pics...
Jack's 1929 Ford Roadster

And it struck me. I am not sure how it struck me. Well, I guess I was saddened. I could definitely relate. And I got a glimpse of how God feels.
When I asked him about church and time with Jesus, he said that he can remember the time when he stopped the two (church and Jesus). Him and his girlfriend were going through a Christian Devotional together then one day she forgot to bring it to the meeting. The next day time did not permit them to meet and then their times with Jesus vanished! Gone. Just like that. They still pray. They are really great kids. They don't do anything 'crazy.' But the discipline of meeting with Christ was no longer. And I felt sad.
The following day another friend of mine gave me a forward from one of her friends called 'Morning Tea.' It has got to be written by a women and probably each morning.
The email is titled Stay Where You Are! Then it asks this question ... Why would the Prodigal Son leave his father's house when everything he needed was there? That is a REALLY great question! She gave 4 answers, but I can't get past the first. Her answer? He got used to the benefits and took them for granted. We're not slow learners, just QUICK FORGETTERS! That's why God told his people, 'Be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery' Deuteronomy 6:12. When they crossed the Jordan and entered the Promised Land, God told them to take twelve stones, one for each tribe, and build a memorial. Why? TO REMIND THEM OF WHO THEY WERE, WHO HE WAS AND THE COVENANT TAT BOUND THEM TOGETHER!
I am so guilty of forgetting. Forgetting the things that really matter. Forgetting to put First Things First. Forgetting to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. It's easy to forget. When I first starting writing in the 'blog world,' I put these words on the page ... Americans are known as Incredible Starters, but Horrible Finishers! And I am guilty of that one too! May we finish the Race STRONG today! Tomorrow will take care of itself.
As I came into the office today, a guy who works in my office building drive his 1929 Ford Roadster (a.k.a. The Rat Rod) ot work today. And so we went for a ride this morning and then again after lunch. This thing is SO COOL! This car will turn some heads! It was Amazing how many people looked at us. It is LOUD! There are no doors. You have to crawl over the sides to get in. It is a very fun car. Enjoy the pics...
Jack's 1929 Ford Roadster
Life is Wonderful...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A New Era...
Welp, it's done. Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the United States of America. As I read My Utmost for His Highest, I found it appropriate to share with you what Oswald Chambers wrote...
Are you fresh for everything?
'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' - John 3:3
Sometimes we are fresh for a prayer meeting but not fresh for cleaning boots!
Being born again of the Spirit is an unmistakable work of God, as mysterious as the wind, as surprising as God Himself. We do not know where it begins, it is hidden away in the depths of our personal life. Being born again from above is a perennial, perpetual and eternal beginning; a freshness all the time in thinking and in talking and in living, the continual surprise of the life of God. Staleness is an indication of something out of joint with God -- ' I must do this thing or it will never be done.' That is the first sign of staleness. Are we freshly born this minute or are we stale, raking in our minds for something to do? Freshness does no come from obedience but from the Holy Spirit; obedience keeps us in the light as God is in the light.
Guard jealously your relationship to God. Jesus prayed 'that they may be one, even as we are one' -- nothing between. Keep all the life perennially open to Jesus Christ, don't pretend with Him. Are you drawing your life from any other source than God Himself? If you are depending upon anything but Him, you will never know when He is gone.
Being born of the Spirit means much more than we generally take it to mean. It gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything by the perennial supply of the life of God.
As we turn a new chapter in the life of our nation, I wonder if you are Fresh.
Or are you stale?
How are you and Jesus doing today? I 'bolded' and 'underlined' the two lines that stuck out the most to me.
What is out of joint with you and God?
These are eternal questions. Questions that our souls need to answer. I pray that we are depending upon Him because if we don't, we will never know when He is gone...
Are you fresh for everything?
'Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' - John 3:3
Sometimes we are fresh for a prayer meeting but not fresh for cleaning boots!
Being born again of the Spirit is an unmistakable work of God, as mysterious as the wind, as surprising as God Himself. We do not know where it begins, it is hidden away in the depths of our personal life. Being born again from above is a perennial, perpetual and eternal beginning; a freshness all the time in thinking and in talking and in living, the continual surprise of the life of God. Staleness is an indication of something out of joint with God -- ' I must do this thing or it will never be done.' That is the first sign of staleness. Are we freshly born this minute or are we stale, raking in our minds for something to do? Freshness does no come from obedience but from the Holy Spirit; obedience keeps us in the light as God is in the light.
Guard jealously your relationship to God. Jesus prayed 'that they may be one, even as we are one' -- nothing between. Keep all the life perennially open to Jesus Christ, don't pretend with Him. Are you drawing your life from any other source than God Himself? If you are depending upon anything but Him, you will never know when He is gone.
Being born of the Spirit means much more than we generally take it to mean. It gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything by the perennial supply of the life of God.
As we turn a new chapter in the life of our nation, I wonder if you are Fresh.
Or are you stale?
How are you and Jesus doing today? I 'bolded' and 'underlined' the two lines that stuck out the most to me.
What is out of joint with you and God?
These are eternal questions. Questions that our souls need to answer. I pray that we are depending upon Him because if we don't, we will never know when He is gone...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My heart is aching...
Our world is broken. Did you know that? My heart is aching because of all of the hurt I see today. From the Military to Israel to families being ripped apart by the Enemy to a girl selling her virginity online! Have you heard / see this? If not, take a gander at this ...,2933,480037,00.html
It is MIND BLOWING! I am baffled. I am witout words. My heart aches... I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we need Jesus in a very bad way. Today! As Jacob wrestled with God (Genesis 32), please join me in wrestling with God in regards to our world and its Insane Brokenness. I mean, I am not surprised. Just read the first 32 chapters of Genesis and it's NO WONDER we are the way we are! Mankind has been messed up from the beginning. It's sad. What is this world coming to? I sound like a 75 year old man right now... The Battle is Real. I do know that. The War is for your heart and mine. For our souls. The Battle is raging now as I write and even now as you read. We may not be able to 'see' it, but it's there.
On another note, I have joined Rotary International. Are you familiar with Rotary? It is a civic organization. Their Motto: Service Above Self! I LOVE the motto! That was Jesus' motto...if He ever had one. 'For the Son of Man did not come to be Served, but to Serve and give His life as a ransom for many!' I look forward to volunteering and serving in this capacity.
I met with my mentor on Tuesday and it was really Incredible. I was sharing about my life and how things have been going with me (i.e. Taylor, work, family, etc...) and I was telling him about how much fun Taylor and I are having being married. It seems like things have been really excellent after we hit 1 year of marriage on December 22. Okay ladies, this is not to say that things were not excellent before this. Please don't analyze. Analyzing is bad sometimes. Actually probably MOST of the time when it comes to relationships! Anyhow, he said that he believes that Taylor is beginning to 'believe' that you love her. Our entire job as a husband is to convince our wives that we love them. Much like God. God loves us more than we could possible ask or imagine. But to we 'believe' it. And do we live like it? The 'Fruit' of believing these things for Taylor and I is confortableness, humor, enjoyment, easyness, love, trust, becoming who Jesus really made us to be, etc... And the 'Fruit' of believing that God loves you and me is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control.
Those words really hit home for me. I was thankful for them. I hope they resonated with you as well.
It is MIND BLOWING! I am baffled. I am witout words. My heart aches... I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we need Jesus in a very bad way. Today! As Jacob wrestled with God (Genesis 32), please join me in wrestling with God in regards to our world and its Insane Brokenness. I mean, I am not surprised. Just read the first 32 chapters of Genesis and it's NO WONDER we are the way we are! Mankind has been messed up from the beginning. It's sad. What is this world coming to? I sound like a 75 year old man right now... The Battle is Real. I do know that. The War is for your heart and mine. For our souls. The Battle is raging now as I write and even now as you read. We may not be able to 'see' it, but it's there.
On another note, I have joined Rotary International. Are you familiar with Rotary? It is a civic organization. Their Motto: Service Above Self! I LOVE the motto! That was Jesus' motto...if He ever had one. 'For the Son of Man did not come to be Served, but to Serve and give His life as a ransom for many!' I look forward to volunteering and serving in this capacity.
I met with my mentor on Tuesday and it was really Incredible. I was sharing about my life and how things have been going with me (i.e. Taylor, work, family, etc...) and I was telling him about how much fun Taylor and I are having being married. It seems like things have been really excellent after we hit 1 year of marriage on December 22. Okay ladies, this is not to say that things were not excellent before this. Please don't analyze. Analyzing is bad sometimes. Actually probably MOST of the time when it comes to relationships! Anyhow, he said that he believes that Taylor is beginning to 'believe' that you love her. Our entire job as a husband is to convince our wives that we love them. Much like God. God loves us more than we could possible ask or imagine. But to we 'believe' it. And do we live like it? The 'Fruit' of believing these things for Taylor and I is confortableness, humor, enjoyment, easyness, love, trust, becoming who Jesus really made us to be, etc... And the 'Fruit' of believing that God loves you and me is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self Control.
Those words really hit home for me. I was thankful for them. I hope they resonated with you as well.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Why are we surprised?
As I was reading my 'Daily Bible - In Chronological Order - 365 Daily Passages', this morning, I was struck with a sense of security and safety in a weird way. Since it is January, we are obviously reading in Genesis. Helloooooooooo?!? Anyhow, In Genesis, we see these things:
Genesis 15 ... then the word of the Lord came to him (Abram ... soon to be changed to Abraham): 'This man (Eliezer) will not be your heir, but a son coming from your your body will be your heir.' He (God) took him outside and said, 'Look up at the heavens and count the stars --- if indeed you can count them.' Then he said to him, 'so shall your offspring be.' Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness.
So we have God's Promise to Abram ... He would give him an heir. And Abram believed him. At least for a time. 10 years later, God's Promise still has not come to pass. That must mean only one thing ---- Abram has got to make God's Promise come about on his own terms. Make sense, right? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...
Sarai, Abram's wife, and Abram determine that the best thing would be for Abram to produce an offspring with his maidservant Hagar. I can't imagine her being pretty with a name like Hagar! It sounds like she belongs on Shrek or something. Anywho, All of the parties agree to this and Hagar does become pregnant and with a son! An Heir? Well, much dissension is caused between these two women. I can only imagine! Can you imagine being Abram? Got Headache? No Thank You! Hagar leaves the scene and runs away. An angel of the Lord finds her and tells her this in Genesis 16, 'Go back to your mistress (Sarai) and submit to her. I will increase your descendents that they will be too numerous to count.' And the angel also added, 'You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael for the Lord has heard of your misery. HE WILL BE A WILD DONKEY OF A MAN; HIS HAND WILL BE AGAINST EVERYONE AND EVERYONE'S HAND AGAINST HIM, AND HE WILL LIVE IN HOSTILITY TOWARD ALL HIS BROTHERS.' Abram was 86 years old at the time.
Fourteen years later, God's Promise is finally revealed in the birth of Isaac from SARAH and Abraham. They both had their names changed by God. Isaac is born and Abraham pleads with God for Ishmael to get the Blessing. God is very specific in saying that Isaac is the one to receive the Blessing, not Ishmael!
The author adds in this commentary in regards to these passages ... With Hagar's pregnancy, however, it soon becomes clear that the plan is fraught with problems (referring to Hagar having Abram's baby). Pride, Jealousy, and alienation of affections naturally arise in such a mixture of relationships and in the end Hagar runs away from her mistress. However, Hagar is instructed to return and be submissive. God promises Hagar that the descendents of her son, Ishmael, and his offspring will be characterized by hostility, particularly against his brothers. (It is noteworthy that in centuries to follow there will be conflict in the Middle East between the ARABS, who descend from Ishmael, and JEWS, who are descendents from Ishmael's stepbrother, a son soon to be born ... Isaac!
Do you see it? Ishmeal (Arabs) is to be a Wild Donkey of a Man who will forever be in Hostility toward his brothers! Hamas. Gaza Strip. Jews. Israel.
Why are we surprised? This battle has been going on since Genesis ... since the birth of Isaac. Heck, some 4,000 years now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okley Dokley ... there is your lesson for the day. What did you think? Did you know this? Pretty Fascinating, to say the least!
Bless you...
Genesis 15 ... then the word of the Lord came to him (Abram ... soon to be changed to Abraham): 'This man (Eliezer) will not be your heir, but a son coming from your your body will be your heir.' He (God) took him outside and said, 'Look up at the heavens and count the stars --- if indeed you can count them.' Then he said to him, 'so shall your offspring be.' Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness.
So we have God's Promise to Abram ... He would give him an heir. And Abram believed him. At least for a time. 10 years later, God's Promise still has not come to pass. That must mean only one thing ---- Abram has got to make God's Promise come about on his own terms. Make sense, right? Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...
Sarai, Abram's wife, and Abram determine that the best thing would be for Abram to produce an offspring with his maidservant Hagar. I can't imagine her being pretty with a name like Hagar! It sounds like she belongs on Shrek or something. Anywho, All of the parties agree to this and Hagar does become pregnant and with a son! An Heir? Well, much dissension is caused between these two women. I can only imagine! Can you imagine being Abram? Got Headache? No Thank You! Hagar leaves the scene and runs away. An angel of the Lord finds her and tells her this in Genesis 16, 'Go back to your mistress (Sarai) and submit to her. I will increase your descendents that they will be too numerous to count.' And the angel also added, 'You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael for the Lord has heard of your misery. HE WILL BE A WILD DONKEY OF A MAN; HIS HAND WILL BE AGAINST EVERYONE AND EVERYONE'S HAND AGAINST HIM, AND HE WILL LIVE IN HOSTILITY TOWARD ALL HIS BROTHERS.' Abram was 86 years old at the time.
Fourteen years later, God's Promise is finally revealed in the birth of Isaac from SARAH and Abraham. They both had their names changed by God. Isaac is born and Abraham pleads with God for Ishmael to get the Blessing. God is very specific in saying that Isaac is the one to receive the Blessing, not Ishmael!
The author adds in this commentary in regards to these passages ... With Hagar's pregnancy, however, it soon becomes clear that the plan is fraught with problems (referring to Hagar having Abram's baby). Pride, Jealousy, and alienation of affections naturally arise in such a mixture of relationships and in the end Hagar runs away from her mistress. However, Hagar is instructed to return and be submissive. God promises Hagar that the descendents of her son, Ishmael, and his offspring will be characterized by hostility, particularly against his brothers. (It is noteworthy that in centuries to follow there will be conflict in the Middle East between the ARABS, who descend from Ishmael, and JEWS, who are descendents from Ishmael's stepbrother, a son soon to be born ... Isaac!
Do you see it? Ishmeal (Arabs) is to be a Wild Donkey of a Man who will forever be in Hostility toward his brothers! Hamas. Gaza Strip. Jews. Israel.
Why are we surprised? This battle has been going on since Genesis ... since the birth of Isaac. Heck, some 4,000 years now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okley Dokley ... there is your lesson for the day. What did you think? Did you know this? Pretty Fascinating, to say the least!
Bless you...
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back at it...
Can you believe that it is 2009 already? Golly Gee... I can remember the 80's. And I bet many of you can remember a WHOLE LOT earlier than that, right? 1970's? 1960's? 1950's? Well, the 50's may be pushing it a little...
It is COLD and RAINY here. Yuck. YUCK. YUUUUUUUUCK! I HATE cold weather. And I REALLY HATE Cold and Rainy weather. This makes me want to move further south! But like they say ... 'If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 5 minutes!' Saturday I was in shorts and a t-shirt sweating as I washed my truck. Today ... not so much! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr...
School started back today. It is always great to be at the high school in the mornings. I try to say hello to each and every kid that walks through those doors. They need a smiling face in the morning. We ALL need a smiling face in the morning! What a joy. Our world tends to beat / tear us down. I want to build others up. Way Up!
Over the break, Taylor's best friend from College, Jancie (no, that's not a spelling error!), came back to the States for the holidays from England along with her husband, Jon, and we got to see them. They are such a wonderful couple. Truly. I feel like I / we have been blessed with such Wonderful people in my life. I have always had really great folks around me. And that is actually rather unusual. I see it every day in the eyes of kids. It is a Longing. It is our hearts cry. We need Companionship. We just do. That's how we were created...
Jon and Jancie Hills and the Russell's

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah Kappa's!

This is at Spokes, a bar / grill in Burnet, after Jon hustled me in 8 games of pool... I got Cheated!!!

I also included some pics from my Mother-In-Law's birthday party on New Year's Eve...

What a Great Day to be alive. The weather may be horrible, but Life is still Really Great! I don't think that I could live 'up north' where it's get really cold and snowy. No... Thank... You! I do not desire that one bit. I am a Southern Man. I need the Heat!
It is COLD and RAINY here. Yuck. YUCK. YUUUUUUUUCK! I HATE cold weather. And I REALLY HATE Cold and Rainy weather. This makes me want to move further south! But like they say ... 'If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait 5 minutes!' Saturday I was in shorts and a t-shirt sweating as I washed my truck. Today ... not so much! Brrrrrrrrrrrrr...
School started back today. It is always great to be at the high school in the mornings. I try to say hello to each and every kid that walks through those doors. They need a smiling face in the morning. We ALL need a smiling face in the morning! What a joy. Our world tends to beat / tear us down. I want to build others up. Way Up!
Over the break, Taylor's best friend from College, Jancie (no, that's not a spelling error!), came back to the States for the holidays from England along with her husband, Jon, and we got to see them. They are such a wonderful couple. Truly. I feel like I / we have been blessed with such Wonderful people in my life. I have always had really great folks around me. And that is actually rather unusual. I see it every day in the eyes of kids. It is a Longing. It is our hearts cry. We need Companionship. We just do. That's how we were created...
Jon and Jancie Hills and the Russell's
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah Kappa's!
This is at Spokes, a bar / grill in Burnet, after Jon hustled me in 8 games of pool... I got Cheated!!!
I also included some pics from my Mother-In-Law's birthday party on New Year's Eve...
What a Great Day to be alive. The weather may be horrible, but Life is still Really Great! I don't think that I could live 'up north' where it's get really cold and snowy. No... Thank... You! I do not desire that one bit. I am a Southern Man. I need the Heat!
Never Live Like You're Not Loved.........
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welp, New Year's Eve is long gone and I want you to know that WE DID IT!!! That's right, Taylor and I stayed up past Midnight! I know. Can you believe it? We actually stayed up WAAAAAY past Midnight! New Year's Eve is my mother-in-laws birthday and so we always get together with the family and do something every year. This year, Taylor and I made the family dinner and then we went and saw a movie. It was a great evening. And then Taylor and I came back to the house and started Season 4 of the episode 24. Have you seen this show? Holy Guacamole... This show is SU-SPENSE-FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULL! And we LOVE it. We actually watched Seasons 2 and 3 over the Christmas break and are knocking out Season 4 very soon. We ended up staying up till two thirty! We are Crazy, I know. Yeah Right!
We did get to see a couple of movies over the break. Here's what we saw along with my recommendations:
Marley & Me - Worth Seeing, especially if you are an animal lover. I am not a fan of Jennifer Aniston or necessarily Owen Wilson, but I made it through. Good Story.
Valkyrie - Save your money. Very anti-climactic to me. Interesting history, but very little excitement / energy in the film.
Seven Pounds - Well Worth Seeing! Everyone should see this film. Pay it Forward, folks...
There ya have it. Taylor and I are going over some friends' house tonight to have dinner and play Rockband on the Nintendo Wii. I am gonna let you into one of my deep, dark secrets of my life. Are you ready? Seriously? Here it goes ... I have always had a HUGE desire to be in a Boy Band! Is that weird? Anyhow...
Make this weekend count!
We did get to see a couple of movies over the break. Here's what we saw along with my recommendations:
Marley & Me - Worth Seeing, especially if you are an animal lover. I am not a fan of Jennifer Aniston or necessarily Owen Wilson, but I made it through. Good Story.
Valkyrie - Save your money. Very anti-climactic to me. Interesting history, but very little excitement / energy in the film.
Seven Pounds - Well Worth Seeing! Everyone should see this film. Pay it Forward, folks...
There ya have it. Taylor and I are going over some friends' house tonight to have dinner and play Rockband on the Nintendo Wii. I am gonna let you into one of my deep, dark secrets of my life. Are you ready? Seriously? Here it goes ... I have always had a HUGE desire to be in a Boy Band! Is that weird? Anyhow...
Make this weekend count!
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