Friday, January 30, 2009

Give Credit Where Credit Is Due...

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, I got a nasty email (not really nasty...just a figure of speech) about me not giving 'props', 'accolades', 'credit' to my 'uncle' about the last blog that I wrote. In it I spoke about a political email that I received that I included in my blog. The email was titled Ice Cream and Politics or something like that.

So to you ... (be thinking 'Real Men of Genius' from Budweiser) ... Mr. Give Me Credit For My Email Uncle Guy. Hats off to you for the way that you forward on emails that have struck a chord in your soul. You love the Marines. You love Hunting. You don't love democrats or gun control. But it's the forwarded emails that really 'Crank Your Tractor.' It's sitting at your computer at night shaking your head in agreement or disagreement at the slew of emails that you filter through each and every day. We know how you feel. We do it to. It's where we find out who we really are. Will we REALLY forward this email on to someone else or will we be damned to hell if we don't? Those are the questions that 'rattle our cages' in the midday grind. So it's to you, Mr. Give Me Credit For My Email Uncle Guy, that I salute. It's to you for your boldness in forwarded on those emails that others may be too afraid to send on. But not you! Rather than hitting 'Delete', you hit 'Forward.' And you took the Challenge! You said, 'here's where I stand America!' And I'm not afraid to show it! Semper Fi...

I hope you like that 'Uncle Guy' .... I salute you, Mr. Wayne 'Winkie' Porowski, for the way that you forward emails. I will always give you credit from this day 'forward!'

On another extremely different note, Young Life Club on Monday and Campaigners on Wednesday were INCREDIBLE! We have such an Awesome platform to share Life with kids. Our theme for Club this semester is the 'World's View vs Bible's View.' What does the world say and what does God say? Absolute Truth vs. Relativism. Is there right and wrong? Is there a 'line in the sand?' Is life Black and White ... or is it Gray? I think the World's View is gonna be somewhere around EXACT OPPOSITE of the Bible's View! You can't live in the Gray and say you believe in the Black and White. Those thoughts, lifestyle and ideas don't match up.

I left the kids with 4 Truths:
1. There is a God
2. He (God) created us
3. He (God) loves us more than we could ever imagine
4. We were created to be in Relationship with God. It only makes sense that 'creation' would not be complete unless it knew its 'Creator.' There is this hole in our heart that we try to fill with the CREATED rather than the CREATOR! I even went so far as to say that I think we were created to be in Right Relationship with our PARENTS! Risky, I know. But I did it! And not one kid snickered, jeered, laughed or anything. Again, it only makes sense. Our Parents 'made' us and we are 'theirs' so the connection is very evident.

Campaigners was just as Great! We talked about the Parable of the Growing Seed and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. Kids want to talk. We ended at 9:10 p.m. and kids would not leave. I had two guys at my kitchen table till 11:15 talking about Relationships with their parents. Trust me when I tell you that we live in a BROKEN WORLD! When people live by the World's View, our world becomes even more Broken!

Bless you.
Thank You.

Because High Schoolers Are Worth It...

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