Monday, February 8, 2010

A couple of things...

Two things that you need to be aware of...

In the past:
On January 31, I preached at my church and would love for you to listen to it!
Check out Scroll down to the above date which has my name (Johnny Russell) by it along with my sermon title 'Lepsog Retnuoc.'

Let me know what you think if you get a chance to listen to it.

Warning... Pack a lunch! The link has the entire service on there. I get up around 26 minutes from the beginning and go for about an HOUR!

Believe It.

In the future:
Central Texas Young Life is hosting our 1st Annual Run for your LIFE 5K on Saturday, March 27, at 8 a.m. at the Andy K. Wells Hike & Bike Trail in Killeen!

Here is the website while under construction, but check it out at the end of the week and prepared to be 'WOO'ed!' My brother David is doing it and he is a stinkin' NINJA when it comes to Websites...

On another note, it is raining here big time! My yard is a very squishy... It's always nice to get some free water on my lawn.

Please pray for Young Life Club tonight at 7:59. Pray that lots of kids would come out to have an awesome time and be loved on by folks who care about their heart and soul.

Because High Schoolers are WORTH IT!

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