Pregnancy Highlights: (GB stands for Gummy Bear)
How Far Along: 13 weeks (the FINAL week of my 1st trimester - I actually thought this was the beginning of my 2nd trimester, but I was mistaken)
Fruit: (but we’re going with seafood in honor of eating sushi this week) a medium shrimp

Size: nearly 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce

Size: nearly 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce
Baby changes: Fingertips have formed on GB’s tiny fingers
* veins and organs are clearly visible through still-thin skin
* GB’s body is starting to catch up with its head
* GB’s head is 1/3 of its body size
* veins and organs are clearly visible through still-thin skin
* GB’s body is starting to catch up with its head
* GB’s head is 1/3 of its body size
Total Weight Gain/Loss: umm…I think I’ve gained another pound
Best Moment this week: Our Young Life family and friends gave us a 'Going Away - Come and Go’ Shindig last night! It was very special and we feel so loved and will miss our friends and family here so very much.
Gender: We are due to find out in late July / early August, but we’ve chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: not yet
Food / Drink Cravings: cereal – I thought I’d get specific this week (Honey Bunches of Oats w/ strawberries, Frosted Mini Spooners and Corn Pops), ‘cooked’ sushi (don’t freak out, it was in moderation), LOVE snacking on fruits – apples, strawberries, grapes and peaches
What I miss: I can’t think of anything at the moment
Sleep: sleeping well
What I am looking forward to: listening to GB’s heartbeat and NO MORE SICKNESS!
Symptoms: Wednesday (June 23) began the start of GB’s 13th week of life and unfortunately, that same day ended my 96 hours (4 days) of NO throwing up streak.
My mom was right when she said you just ‘forget’ how bad it was. I’d definitely say looking back to when I first found out I was pregnant, that those days were unbearable to me. I’d also say I have had a gradual sense of feeling better over the last several days. I haven’t felt the ‘immediate’ sense of GREAT that some moms have described to me when they entered into their 2nd trimester (though technically I am still another week out), but I think because mine has been so gradual, I have forgotten how bad it was. Granted, I still get hit with nausea, my zofran dosage has been reduced!
I can’t believe I’ve forgotten to mention the hiccups! I think I have gotten them EVERY single day since finding out about GB.
My mom was right when she said you just ‘forget’ how bad it was. I’d definitely say looking back to when I first found out I was pregnant, that those days were unbearable to me. I’d also say I have had a gradual sense of feeling better over the last several days. I haven’t felt the ‘immediate’ sense of GREAT that some moms have described to me when they entered into their 2nd trimester (though technically I am still another week out), but I think because mine has been so gradual, I have forgotten how bad it was. Granted, I still get hit with nausea, my zofran dosage has been reduced!
I can’t believe I’ve forgotten to mention the hiccups! I think I have gotten them EVERY single day since finding out about GB.
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