How Far Along: 18 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: bell pepper

Size: about 5 ½ inches long and weighs 7 ounces
Baby changes: GB is busy flexing his arms and legs
* blood vessels are visible through thin skin
* ears are now in their final position, although they’re standing out from head a bit
* a protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around nerves, a process that will continue for a year after GB is born
* if it’s a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place
* if it’s a boy, his genitals are noticeable now
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I cannot remember what my weight was last week (seriously, even after my ‘freak out’), but I have gained a total of 9 lbs so far.
Best Moment this week: The ladies at work threw me a going away / baby shower on Wednesday - what a Blessing it was!
Today is also my last day of work!
Today is also my last day of work!
Gender: We are due to find out in late July / early August, but we’ve chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: I’ve got another movement update…
A lady at church on Sunday (who is not but a couple of weeks further along than I am) was asking if I had felt any movements yet. She described the movements she felt as ‘bubbles.’ I thought this was odd and thought NO WAY, I definitely haven’t felt that. Maybe she just opened my eyes to it, but since Sunday I have felt the ‘bubbles’ feeling almost every day. If I had not had that conversation with her, I think I would have assumed it was just digestive juices moving around. Could this be Gummy?! :)
A lady at church on Sunday (who is not but a couple of weeks further along than I am) was asking if I had felt any movements yet. She described the movements she felt as ‘bubbles.’ I thought this was odd and thought NO WAY, I definitely haven’t felt that. Maybe she just opened my eyes to it, but since Sunday I have felt the ‘bubbles’ feeling almost every day. If I had not had that conversation with her, I think I would have assumed it was just digestive juices moving around. Could this be Gummy?! :)
Food / Drink Cravings: ice water, milk, pizza, cereal, fruit
What I miss: Johnny! We haven’t seen each other in just a little over a week, but not being able to talk each day (while he’s at camp this week) makes it feel like it’s been 3 weeks.
Sleep: still sleeping well and with a body pillow for sure. I have read that I should start lying on my sides only now, since lying flat on my back can cause my uterus to compress a major vein, which can lead to decreased blood return to my heart. I was definitely most comfortable on my back, but am training myself to stay on my sides.
What I am looking forward to: Reuniting with Johnny in Tyler sometime next week. He returns from YL Frontier Ranch on Sunday, and I’ll plan to head to Tyler sometime following that.
Symptoms: Still getting nauseous in between meals and throwing up from time to time. I actually did an experiment this week to see if taking a Zofran each night before I go to bed really was needed to get me through. Of course, I woke up nauseated about 2:30 AM, threw up, ate a bowl of cereal and took a Zofran. I guess I still need it for now.
On a more positive note, I have started walking this week. Sad to admit, I wasn’t before. I’ve got a 1.9 mile trek I have walked 3 times so far this week. I have felt like I have had more energy as well! I plan to keep this up once I get to Tyler, with all of their beautiful parks for motivation and no work to take up the majority of my day.
On a more positive note, I have started walking this week. Sad to admit, I wasn’t before. I’ve got a 1.9 mile trek I have walked 3 times so far this week. I have felt like I have had more energy as well! I plan to keep this up once I get to Tyler, with all of their beautiful parks for motivation and no work to take up the majority of my day.
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