It looks like I never got around to actually posting this, but want to make sure I have each week's changes documented to look back on.
Check back in as I get everyone up to speed on weeks 21 through now, currently, week 24.
Pregnancy Highlights: (GB stands for Gummy Bear)
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: large heirloom tomato (19 wks) to NOW the length of a banana (20 wks)

Size: 6 inches long and about 8 1/2 ounces (19 wks) to NOW 6 1/2 inches and about 10 1/2 ounces (20 wks) - to be completely official at our ultrasound on August 11, GB measured 7/10 of a pound and is in the 25th percentile.
Baby Changes:
19 wks
* GB's sensory development is exploding - the brain is developing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch
* some research suggests that GB may be able to hear my voice now
* arms and legs are in the right proportion to the body now
* kidneys continue to make urine
* hair on scalp is sprouting
* a waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid
20 wks
* GB is swallowing more these days - good practice for digestive system
* producing meconium - a black, sticky by-product of digestion
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 11 pounds, my new OB/GYN in Tyler told me she would like me to gain between 25-35 lbs total.
Best Moment this Week: My ultrasound on August 11 was AMAZING! It's also great to be 'unofficially officially' moved to Tyler with my husband. I arrived on August 3.
Gender: We've chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: Lots of 'bubbles' and 'flutters'
Food / Drink Cravings: ice water, milk, cereal, pizza, hashbrowns, fruit - hasn't really changed much
What I miss: family, friends and our pets in Killeen and sleeping on my back
Sleep: I have definitely noticed a change in my sleep, not as sound as it once was. There has been lots of tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. Plus, I am up eating every night at some point, sometimes every few hours and other times just for a bowl of cereal in the wee morning hours.
What I am looking forward to: Lots of things - getting plugged in here in Tyler with new friends, church, etc. Selling our home in Killeen and buying our own here.
Symptoms: Still getting nauseous in between meals and throwing up from time to time. Fortunately, I have only had 3 episodes of vomiting since moving to Tyler. Eating / snacking often is KEY.
Lots of stretching and expanding of my tummy area.
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