Today was an amazing day!
Taylor and I checked into the hospital yesterday evening at 5 and began the admittance procedures... One thing we noticed right off the bat is how friendly and helpful all of the staff were at ETMC. So joyful. So willing to help. So knowledgeable. Such a blessing!
Anyhow, Tay was up about every 20 minutes going to the restroom and that made for a very unrestful evening for the both of us.
The nurses came in fairly early to get this party started and boy did it get started!
Taylor had been dialated to a 1 for the past month and this morning was no different. But this day went surprisingly quick.
One minute Taylor was a 1, then the next a 4. The nurses were blown away. Taylor's body was doing its job. Then in just one short hour, Tay jumped from a 4 to COMPLETELY DIALATED! We could not believe it...
The doctor showed up during her lunch hour and about 90 minutes later, our beloved Finley Claire entered this world at 1:41 p.m on Thursday, January 6, 2011 weighing in at a whoppin' 7 pounds 3 ounces and measuring a solid 20 inches!
Taylor was an amazing Trooper and did such an amazing job! I am so very proud of her and her perseverance and endurance throughout this whole adventure...
Below are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Please help us welcome Finley Claire into this wild world!
Finley's brand new head band from Haute Totz (a baby boutique in Tyler) from GiGi Young.

My first few minutes alive in this world...
What happened to that warm sack of water that I've been living in for the past 10 months and can someone please get me my Hair Brush?
There it is! We hope you enjoyed our first blog as parents...
There will obviously be many more days to come and we hope that you will watch out baby girl grow up with us.
Awww. She looks just like Mama. Congratulations guys!!
She is precious and I LOVE her name! I know y'all will be wonderful parents.
You explained all of her head bands but what is up with your's?
Much love, rest and blessings to y'all!
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