Life is movin' right along. Busy as usual, yet making time to snap some great pics of life as we know it. It has been a big adjustment adding Finley to our life. There is not as much freedom for us to just pick up and go like we were so used to doing. Buuuuuuut, Finley definitely does not keep us from living / experiencing life to the full...
Finley is such a 'chill' baby for the most part...

Two weekends ago we went to Denton to see my folks and my dad's mom (Finley's great grandmother!!!). She is such a sweet lady. Four generations in this picture...

One of my good buddies Josh McWhorter (he's single, ladies!) was an old YL Leader of mine in CenTex for many years. He is out of the Army and back in Illinois going to school. He came down for his Spring Break to meet his first niece... Josh is such a good friend! We laugh A LOT when we are together.

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