Finley loves her 'bouncy seat'. She loves grabbing the frog toy in the middle because it plays a Nursery Rhyme that only Taylor knows... 5 little speckled frogs, sittin' on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs, Yum Yum, and on and on. Cute song. I go to bed singing it.
Fin has also discovered her legs. She has them in the air most of the time when she's not using them to walk around the house...

Out like a light...

This 'spiky ball' was given to us by our friends, the Hartney's. Their kids loved it and Finley loves it as well. It's funny what kids end up liking...

Whatchu lookin' at Willis?

It's tiring being pretty... and by the way, I DO have a bow to match ANY color scheme that my parents throw my way!

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