Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Some great things...

Gosh! It seems like an eternity since I have written last. What is up with that?

It sure is insane how quick life can get busy and out of control. Not that that is how things were, but one can lose track of time really quick in the midst of life.

Forgive me for not writing every day. Thanks for the grace for allowing me to not write each and every day. I am definitely still gonna blog. I like to blog. Blog is a funny word. What if you named your dog Blog? Random...

Welp, there are 20 hours left in this years school year. Our kids get out of school today at 4:05 and then have a half day manana. Pretty crazy that summer time is already here! WoW... I am at the school almost every year for the last day of of school and it never fails for my mind to be singing 'SCHOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER!' And then I think of the movie Dazed and Confused. Man, I haven't seen that movie is a long time.

We are 11 days out from leaving for Sharptop Cove. June 14 - 22. Jasper, Georgia. It is the Best Week of ANYONE'S Life! Guaranteed. We still have some seats available on the bus so please pray that God would move in the hearts and souls of these kids to get them on the bus. The right kids will definitely go to camp. In that we trust.

I received an anonymous check recently for Young Life to the tune of $10,000!!!!!! How about that? I was blown away. This Young Life area does not have any annual 'heavy hitters' per say ... no one who gives $5,000+ every year. Some areas do. Others have multiple ones! We operate solely on the faithful monthly donations of $50, $100 & $250. And for that I am thankful!

Taylor is out of town. Life sure is strange without her at home. I miss her greatly. I enjoyed it for about the first hour, but after that I was wanting her to come home real soooooon... Sleeping alone is the kicker. Although I sure did enjoy the Queen size bed all by myself last night. I like to sprawl out when I sleep. But I don't think we will ever have a King. Too expensive! For us.

Taylor and I painted the Young Life office last weekend. It looks really great. Once the YL logo gets painted on the wall, I will take pictures and put them on this blog. I am really proud of this office!

I guess that is all for now. Taylor gets home tomorrow at 2:30 or so. Oh Boy, I just realized that that is when school is letting out ... I think! Uh Oh!!! Decisions. Decisions. Yeah RIGHT! I gotta see my Tay Tay.

Oh Yeah, I was also given a year membership to the NRA (National Rifle Association)! How cool is that? I look forward to rubbing shoulders with Ted Nugent. Actually, he probably looks forward to rubbing shoulders with me. He lives right up the road near Waco. I'm sure he'll call soon.

Make Today Great!

Never Live Like You're Not Loved...

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