Well, we did it! We went to Sharptop Cove in Jasper, Georgia. We conquered and now we are home. It was the best week of our lives! It is amazing how much Jesus showed up.
We had 13+ kids get saved. They received a new heart from Jesus. Ezekiel 36:26 says that God will take out our heart of Stone and put in a heart of Flesh. That's what took place. Lives were changed. For Eternity! When I say 13+ kids got saved, that means that 13 kids stood up at the end of the week at told what happened to them during the past week, but others made the conversion, but never stood up. So we don't have exact numbers.
Now the journey begins. We have left the 'slice of heaven' in Georgia and are not back in the trenches. This is when we need each other. This is when we need your prayers. Life is crazy. Kids go through Hell each and every day. Literally. The 'storms' that these kids talked about at camp, it no wonder that they struggle paying attention in school much less making the A Honor Roll. But the Mighty thing to remember is that Jesus Calms Storms! Today. He Does. It's True. Very True. And He wants to calm your storm. Will we let Him?
I am gonna write more next week and include a couple of kid stories. I want to check with them to make sure they are ok with me telling it to 'the world.'
Below are some pics from Sharptop Cove.
These are all of the guys we took to camp. This is our Western Night. Can you find Wyatt Earp?
Zac Mims, me (no, I'm not a gay cowboy!) and Jaron
Entire Central Texas group
Taylor and me. She is SO FINE!

This is a Copperas Cove kid doing a Dive for Pain (Belly Flop) at the Pool Olympics. What an incredible picture!
Because High School kids are well worth it...
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