Sunday, September 26, 2010


Our pastor used a statistic today in church that I cannot quit thinking about...
The Average Christian will be involved in the following things in their life:
1,600 services
1,600 sermons
20,000 songs
10,000 public prayers

All of this resulting in this individual leading ZERO people to faith in Jesus Christ!

I am so disgusted right now... Where are my brothers and sisters in Christ that are chasing after a lost world and winning them to Christ?

Turn off your television.
Shut Down your Freakin' Facebook.
Get off your couch.

Engage a lost world.

The reality is this... We want IMPACT at little or no discomfort to our lives.
When was the last time YOU were uncomfortable? YOU had discomfort?

Jesus came to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
That is my prayer for you this day if you are the latter of the two...

Get some of this:

Do somethin' with your LIFE!

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