How Far Along: 24 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: carrot (21 wks)
Length of a spaghetti squash (22 wks)
Weight of a large mango (23 wks)
Weight of a large mango (23 wks)
an ear of corn (24 wks)

Size: 10 1/2 inches long (21 wks)
11 inches and almost 1 pound (22 wks)
more than 11 inches and just over 1 pound (23 wks)
almost 1 foot long and has gained 4 ounces since the previous week (24 wks)
Baby Changes:
21 wks
* initial fluttering movements turn into full fledged kicks and nudges
* GB's eyebrows and lids are present now
* if GB is a girl, her vagina has begun to form
22 wks
* GB is starting to look like a miniature newborn
* lips, eyebrows and eyelids are becoming more distinct
* tiny tooth buds are forming beneath gums
* eyes have formed, but irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment
* pancreas is developing steadily
* GB is sporting lanugo (fine hair) and wrinkles
23 wks
* sense of movement is well developed - GB can feel me dance
* may be able to see GB squirm beneath my clothes
* blood vessels in lungs are developing to prepare for breathing
* the sounds that its ears are picking up are preparing GB for entry into the outside world
24 wks
* body is filling out proportionally and will soon begin to plump up
* brain is growing quickly now
* taste buds are continuing to develop
* lungs are developing 'branches' of the respiratory 'tree' as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help air sacs inflate once GB is here
* skin is thin and translucent, but will begin to change soon
Total Weight Gain / Loss: 7 lbs in 4 weeks...this puts me at a total of 18 pounds. Yikes! I'm almost to my target gain and still have a ways to go...
Best Moment this week: We moved to a new place last Thursday with our cats and got to have Johnny's parents in to visit for the first time over his birthday weekend.
Gender: We've chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: Oh yeah! Lots of 'thumps,' every day. I can't wait for Johnny to experience it - every time I have him feel for it, the movement stops.
Food / Drink Cravings: my sweet cravings are back...unfortunately. I actually miss NOT having the desire for sweets after every meal. This probably has a little bit to do with the 7 lb gain in 4 weeks. :/ Still eating pizza - although the last 2 times I had it, I threw up.
Sushi, cereal, strawberries, ice water and orange juice
What I miss: We miss living with our sweet friends, the Wallace's, but are so thankful to the Strout family for opening up their guest house to us and our cats.
Sleep: sleeping pretty well in our 'new' place - I'll blog about this too - although my ribs feel sore every day, especially when I sleep. We are sleeping in a queen size bed now, rather than the full size we've been in the last month - this is wonderful, especially with the necessary extra pillows.
What I am looking forward to: flying to Florida next week to be there for my sister's baby's delivery - talk about first hand experience. We can't wait to meet Daniel Patrick.
Symptoms: I felt like I had a great 3 weeks, and have digressed (once again) a little bit. It's nothing extreme, just noticeable - I've increased my zofran dosage some days and have thrown up as well; sore ribs, but that's about it.
1 comment:
Don't stress about the weight gain Taylor! Not one of my friends who have had babies hit that dinky 25 pounds :) It is my scientifically documented belief that all women have a pre-determined pregnancy number. I got to the same magic number despite eating healthy & exercising with Kammy and the same number when I ate whatever I wanted and sat on the couch with Gage :) and trust me, it wasn't 25-30 pounds! ;) Hope you guys are getting settled and enjoying Tyler! We'll want to come up there for a visit at some point!
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