How Far Along: 29 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: butternut squash

Size: 2 1/2 pounds and just over 15 inches from head to heels
Baby Changes:
* muscles and lungs continue to mature
* head is growing bigger to make room for developing brain
* during the 3rd trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in to GB's hardening skeleton each day
Total Weight Gain: I'll find out at my next appointment, this Wednesday
Best Moment this week: We had a fun time at our baby shower in Killeen last weekend. All of Johnny's family drove in for it and we got to spend quality time with friends and family and catch up with some people we had not seen since we moved to Tyler.
Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the event :( I'll have to get some from my mom and post them soon.
We also got our new 'baby ride'...I'll post pictures of this soon as well.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: Lots!
Food / Drink Cravings: Chick-fil-A, milk, clif bars
What I miss: energy
Sleep: I finally bought the Boppy wedge pillow. It has proven to be a great investment so far and supports my tummy while I sleep...without taking up the 'whole bed' (as my husband claims) like my body pillow did.
What I am looking forward to: I am starting my job (from home - YAY!) on Monday. The way this transpired has been nothing short of a gift from God and I look forward to getting started.
Symptoms: (a long one for my memory)
I am definitely feeling the 'woes' of the 3rd trimester and it pretty much just hit me over night. I tire much more easily and little things (I am embarassed to say this, such as making the bed) take my breath away. I am also feeling more aches and pains in my lower back from sitting or walking for extended periods. I just 'feel' the weight / pressure now. It seems crazy how it all just changed like that!
Update on taking Pepcid Complete over zofran at bed time:
I have been a couple of days without zofran here and there, but I have noticed that when I don't take it before I go to bed, I am up at least a couple of times in the middle of the night eating to get me through. So needless to say, with that has brought on vomiting again. One thing that has not changed for me during this pregnancy is that I cannot make it through the night without eating / snacking. This baby needs to be fed or momma gets sick.
I am finally coming to terms with the fact that cereal is not enough to carry me through the night, so Johnny and I invested in some protein bars at Sam's this weekend. I woke up hungry (no zofran) at 2:15 this morning and ate a Clif bar and that got me through until about 7:30 this morning.
If I am going to stick with not taking a zofran at bed time, I need to have some snacks to eat throughout the night. Know of any other good protein snacks?
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