Monday, October 25, 2010

30 weeks and counting...

Pregnancy Highlights: GB stands for Gummy Bear

How Far Along: 30 weeks

Fruit / Veggie: head of cabbage

Size: 15.7 inches long and almost 3 lbs

Baby Changes:
* a pint and a half of amniotic fluid surround GB currently, but the volume will decrease as the baby continues to grow and takes up more room in the uterus
* eyesight continues to develop, even after GB is born it will continue to leave its eyes closed for most of the day
* GB will have 20/400 vision, which means it will only be able to make out objects a few inches from its face

Total Weight Gain: gain of 3 lbs in 2 weeks for a total of 26 lbs.

Best Moment this week: finding out we have a new place to live for the next 90 days! We were about 10 days from moving out of Strout Fork, with NO idea where we were going next.

At my appointment this past Wednesday, I had normal results from my glucose screening and I also had my vitamin D level checked, which was 46.

Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!

Movement: Lots!

Food / Drink Cravings: milk, I broke down and bought Little Debbie's Christmas Tree cakes (my absolute favorite), protein bars, peanut butter toast, CFA

What I miss: energy!

Sleep: I wake up pretty achy every day, making bathroom trips every few hours.

What I am looking forward to: the holiday season - Thanksgiving and Christmas and cooler weather; once we get there, the baby will be here before we know it.

We are also moving into our 3rd transition home this coming weekend, we'll post an update on that once we get settled. Johnny's folks will be coming in town to help and will be taking our cats for at least the next 3 months while we are in our new place.

Symptoms: nausea and vomiting just about every day, if not every other day, acid reflux a couple times a day (I read the only 'cure' for this is delivery), shortness of breath, tire very easily and super emotional these days.

I had my first real 'scare' this past Friday. I was pushing the cart to unload my groceries at Wal-Mart when I could barely catch my breath. My ears plugged up and my vision seemed a little off. I left the cart with my groceries in it while I sat in my air-conditioned car for about 10 minutes until I was able to catch my breath. I called Johnny (and scared him to death) crying and somewhat hyperventilating, not sure what was going on, but as I sat there I finally got my breath back. It really freaked me out and my first thought was wondering if the baby was in distress. Fortunately, I felt lots of movement and was relieved.

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