Tuesday, March 2, 2010

YL's Day of Prayer...

Today is an International Day of Prayer for the Mission of Young Life. We are calling it RWOK ... Reaching a World of Kids! Young Life almost has as many acronyms as the United States Army! Well, not THAT many.

As a Mission, we are wanting to reach twice the amount of kids that we reached last year. Our goal is 2 MILLION kids! Isn't that INSANE?

Check out these quotes:
'Prayer does not fit us for the Greater Work. Prayer IS the GREATER WORK!'
Oswald Chambers

'For whatever does not grow out of God produces smoke, not fire. But, that which is born of God overcomes the world! If we are going to produce real fire, it is going to begin with God... on our knees!'
Karl Barth

We need you. Would you pray with us today?

Club last night was OTC! There was more laughter last night than I have seen in a LONG time! I will send pics later as well as hopefully post a video on YouTube for you to chuckle at.

Please pray with us... Because High Schoolers are WORTH IT!