Thursday, May 22, 2008

Come & Getcha Some...

I've got a couple of things for you today...

I am very excited about many of them!

For starters, I have some VERY EXCITING NEWS in regards to how we are doing on our Funds being raised to help send kids to camp. Each year, I have our leaders / staff send out donor letters to help kids go to camp. It has never really bred much excitement nor funds. Oh Well! This year, I just knew that there was GREAT potential and so I pushed our leaders as well as myself and made a goal of $10,000. What? Did I say $10,000? I must be out of my MIND! Well, as of right now, we have committed monies of $13,180!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now you should be praising Jesus for this Incredible Blessing! Camp costs a lot of money. Our kids don't have that much money and folks like you have made it possible for these kiddos to go to camp! Please pray for Jahron from Ellison High School. He will be a senior next year. Starting Linebacker and Fullback / Runningback for the football team. He has really great interest and I really want him to go to Sharptop Cove! Very influential guy. He needs to be at Sharptop Cove this summer! He needs to know our Savior! May our Abundant Lord make this happen.

Next, last night at Campaigners, we had a really great discussion on what it means to be a Disciple of Jesus. To Follow Him. To Walk with Him. To Learn about / from Him. We got to talking about this 'battle' that we are born into. This battle of Good vs. Evil. God vs. satan. Righteousness vs. Unrighteousness. Heaven vs. Hell. I believe that the Bible is very clear that all of these entities are very real! Very Active. Battling for our hearts / souls. Each and every day! So I posed a question to our kids about where they were in the battle. Whose side were they on? One guy answered with confidence that he was on the side of God and Good. The way he answered it made me ask 'and why is that?' He responded with 'because I don't believe in the devil and I don't believe in hell. I think everyone is going to heaven. That's where all roads lead.' Wow! Uhhhhh. OK. I asked him where he got that from and he just said that those were his beliefs. He could not back them up with anything or whatnot. That was just what he believed. Well, in this age of Relativism (where what's good for you is good for you & what's good for me is good for me ... and we are BOTH right and don't question the other) the proper thing for me to say was 'well, that's cool.' But I'm not down with that! I got to tell him about the Biblical view of Creation, Heaven and Hell, God and satan, Righteousness and Unrighteousness and all of the good stuff. He is HUNGRY! Hungry for the Truth! Pray that Jesus would open his eyes. The great news is ... is that he is already signed up for Sharptop Cove this summer! Beleive It!

I read this great quote this morning and wanted to share it with you ... 'Don't spoil what you have, by desiring what you don't have. Remember that what you now have, was the thing you once hoped for!' --- Epicurus. I have no idea who Epicurus is, but what a great quote, huh?!? It sure is easy to wish we had this or that. Get over that. And I am speaking to myself.

And lastly, when I was in Colorado last week, I got to be a part of a Photo Shoot. Let me know whatcha think and whether you know of any Modeling Agents that would be interested in something like this:

Thanks for reading this blog. I hope that it makes you smile, laugh, cry, pray, desire Jesus and to be a better person.
Peace and Love...

1 comment:

Tara said...

Don't quit your day job Zoolander!
; )