Thursday, May 8, 2008

What has happened...

This morning for breakfast, I met with one of my good friends to talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not really, but we did talk about life.

It's fun to reminisce on the 'old days.' Not too much, but just enough to laugh at ourselves. In this mindset, we got to talking about the 'Field Days' in Elementary School. Did you all have these things? You know, an all school relay consisting of 3 legged races, potato sack relays, hula hoops, slowest bike race and such. Ring a Bell? Maybe it was just at my school.

Anyhow, what's the deal with a Hula Hoop? Have you tried one of those things lately? I picked one up a month or so ago (and mind you, I was INCREDIBLE back 'in the day!') and could hula it AT ALL! And I mean, AT ALLLLLLL. What has happened? Have I lost my Hula Talents? And what about Jump Roping? Remember the Double Dutch? I could run my way up in to that Jump Rope without getting hit. Nowadays? Not so much. What has happened?

I stopped eating flour tortillas today. Did you like that transition? Life Happens! We grow. Our bodies change. We slow down. Even at 31. And I know it only gets worse. So, I am backing off my eating habits. They are fairly bad. I don't eat out a whole lot ... mainly because I can't afford it. But when I do, it's gonna be smaller portions. And not as many carbs. I hear they can be bad for you.

My goal? I want to be able to Hula Hoop again! And Double Dutch! At 31 years old. Can it be done? Probably. I will keep you informed...

Do you have 8 Minutes and 44 Seconds to watch a video? If so, check this out. It is pretty Incredible. The speaker is Louie Giglio. He speaks a ton to college folks around the globe. I heard him in '98 and he is always awesome. Enjoy...

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