Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!!!

Welp, I am back in the saddle, but just briefly. I mean, I am back in Killeen for quite some time, but only gonna blog for a brief second today. I am on my way out the door. I have been here since 8 and it is now 3:36. I have not spent this much time in the office in a VERY long time. I sure did get a lot done though!

Check out this quote:
"How do you reach a culture that hears with its eyes and thinks with its feelings? A culture where life and feeling are synonymous? We reach them with a life that is synonymous with the word, in which word and life are identical. And how shall they hear without a preacher? His Word cannot be broken. Let us not break our committment to be honest communicators and deliverers of the truth. Times are changing. His Word does not, and His Word abides forever." -- Author and Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias
How about that? I think it is true. I like the quote.

We had our last Young Life last night. It was great. Sad. But Great. It was Dan's last YL Club as a Central Texas Leader. His 6 year reign is no longer. This was also Lindsey's last night as well. She has graduated from UMHB and is now going off to Graduate School in Dallas or Tyler.

I will be writing more tomorrow. Enjoy...

Crazy snow while in Colorado. Very Unexpected!

Kids at Club doin' Da Train

Dan gets surprised in Skit with a pie in his face

Group pic of last YL Club

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