Friday, May 2, 2008

Who are you most like?

Are you in to Politics? I can say that I am not. In fact, pretty much almost nil. Nada. Not at all. Especially since I don't have a television (and havent' for 10 years now!). It is pretty hard to follow something if you are not intent on seeking after it... And I am definitely not intent on seeking after Politics. Is that bad? I guess it could be. But I feel like I am informed enough. I surround myself with really smart people and they tend to rub off on me ... as do their political views.
But I just took a lil' test to see exactly where I lined up with the current candidates and it was good for me. I enjoyed it. It was good for me to see how my opinions on things differ from or were in line with the candidates.

Interested? Click here and enjoy the testing.

I am most like John McCain and furthest from Obama Yo Mama a.k.a. Barrack Obama.

Anyhow, there is my one and only political blog EVER!

Campaigners was really great on Wednesday evening. We had an ice cream shindig in celebration of us finishing up our Song of Solomon Study. We LOVE ice cream. Ice Cream LOVES us! We are a perfect couple...

Here is a pic of our Ellison High School group prior to the Harker Heights High Schoolers and leaders coming over...

It is wonderful having kids in our home. Taylor and I just love it! These girls / guys LOVE coming over our house. Especially when we feed them!

After we ate ice cream, we all got together and played Battle of the Sexes. Surprisingly, the guys dominated! I thought the girls would win, but we had a few Metro-Sexuals on our team that are very in tune with their feminine side, but not homosexual. So, we play the first game and we 'wreck' the girls 15 - 4. Ahhhhhhh, poor girls! So, now they want to play again, but this time ... they want to make a 'wager' / bet! OK! DEAL! I like bets. Especially when I win. So we play the same game, but only to 5 this time for time sake. The Losers have to walk up and down our street (it's only 6 houses long!) with their hands in the air yelling at the top of their lungs, 'WE ARE LOSERS, THE BOYS / GIRLS ARE BETTER THAN US!!!'
And the verdict is ....................................
The Boys! Yeah, we 'romped' on them again. 5 - 2 this time. We had a little mercy on them. The girls loved it. At least I think they did...
Here are a few pics of the gang after the 'Walk of Shame' that the girls had to do.

WOWSERS! Click on the picture above and check out my wife's face! The one in the green shirt. Holy Guacamole... Got Cartoon Character?
This is gonna be an unusual weekend. Why? Because Taylor and I are going to be in Killeen and not OUT OF TOWN! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
I would love to know where you line up on the Electoral Compass survey...
Thanks for taking the time to read what is going on in our neck of the woods. It really does mean a whole lot to me / us. In fact, I'm not even sure if people are reading this deal, but it's fun writing about what's going on!
Never Live Like You're Not Loved...


Tara said...

You'll get a kick out of this! I was closest to Ron Paul & 2nd closest to Hillary Clinton! : ) Yes we read the blog & we love hearing about YL!

johnnyrussell said...

Fleener's ... OH BOY! I should have known that my Colorado friends would be erring on the side of the Clinton's! Thanks for reading the blog and for the many years that you have prayerfully, financially and physically supported Young Life. You guys are great and SO appreciated!!!