Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
39 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 39 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: a mini watermelon
Size: about 20 inches long and weighs a little over 7 pounds
Baby Changes: GB is waiting to greet the world!
* continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth
* outer layers of skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath
39 Week Appointment Update:
There has been no change in effacing or dilating this past week - still remain at a 1 and about 50% effaced. Baby seems to have dropped lower now. I was really hoping the 'full moon' on Deember 21 would get something going, but it did not.
We also chose an induction date of Thursday, January 6 - if and only if necessary. Praying GB will come on his / her own on or at least very near my due date.
Total Weight Gain / Loss: 3 pounds in 1 week! Of course, I had to ask if the scale was broken. It wasn't, but there is a reason - thank you swollen feet - total gain 38 pounds.
Best Moment this week: Johnny and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on December 22.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: lots of strong movements - it's fun to see and feel hard parts of my stomach from time to time, not sure if they are elbows or knees.
Food / Drink Cravings: Christmas goodies!
Sleep: I am starting my maternity leave next week (from my part time job at home) and hoping to get caught up on some sleep during the week.
What I am looking forward to: Spending this coming weekend with my family and getting my hospital bag packed - it still feels so surreal.
Symptoms: I am finally experiencing the consistent 'swelling' in my feet and the scale proves this to be true. I can't really complain since I am right at the end. My doctor informed me it will get worse before it gets better - Yippee!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
38 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 38 weeks - will be posting 37 and 38 week belly pics soon, I know I've said that every week now. The 37 week pictures are on Johnny's computer...
Fruit / Veggie: Leek
Size: about 6.8 pounds and over 19 1/2 inches long
Baby Changes:
* baby has really plumped out
* baby has a firm grasp and its organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb
38 Week Appointment Update:
I had my 38 week appointment this past Thursday - I am still about 50% effaced, but I have dilated to a 1! We will be deciding on an induce date next week (which will be any date past my due date, Dec 31), IF and ONLY if GB has not come on its own. My OB/GYN does not desire to go any more than 7 days past my due date. We also cannot induce on a holiday or a weekend, so that leaves January 3 - 7 for an induction date, if we go that long. We shall see if GB will be here this year or next...
Total Weight Gain / Loss: 1 more pound, for a total of 35 pounds - I'm thankful it wasn't any more since I've eaten lots of sweets this past week!
Best moment this week: December 15 has come and gone! This was the end of the 'option period' for our home buyers to back out...and we continue to move forward.
I couldn't ask for better in-laws - Johnny's folks headed to Killeen on Friday and spent all of today packing up our ENTIRE house. We are so grateful for them and their hard work. The movers come on Tuesday next week and all of our things will be going into storage until we find our place here in Tyler.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: movements feel stronger and stronger these days - sometimes it even tickles.
Food / Drink Cravings: I've been eating lots of salads and fruit these days...along with sweets and ice cream
Sleep: Not much has changed here - still waking up every couple of hours for the bathroom and becoming wired for a couple of hours in the wee morning hours. All in preparation for the baby I am sure :)
What I am looking forward to: Being with friends and family this next week - we've got some friends coming in town tomorrow and staying a couple of days and then my family will be here on Christmas Eve.
Symptoms: Not much has changed here either - still don't think I've experienced any Braxton-Hicks contractions. I've been more determined to walk this week, so I feel like I have had some more energy at times. Pretty achy and bathroom trips all the time!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
37 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 37 weeks - GB is now considered FULL TERM!
Fruit / Veggie: stalk of Swiss chard
Size: 6 1/3 pounds and 19 inches long
Baby Changes: If I go into labor now, GB's lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb
37 week appointment update - I still have not dilated or experienced any Braxton-Hicks contractions. My doctor informed me she prefers to not deliver 7 days past my due date so hopefully GB will be coming on his or her own before that time.
Total Weight Gain / Loss: The faithful 1 pound a week, for a total of 34 pounds
Best moment this week: An answer to prayer: Johnny and I received our very 1st contract on our home over the weekend of Dec 4-5! If everything continues on the path, we will be closing on January 3. The end of the option period is this Wednesday, Dec 15. We have begun looking 'seriously' at homes in Tyler now and went through 6 this past Saturday. It was a bit overwhelming and at times, frustrating to say the least.
Johnny took me to see the 3D Narnia movie - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (my favorite book in the whole series) on Friday - this is where 'we' started just 5 years ago. We met in December 2005 and 1/4 of our blind date was going to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Young Life Christmas Party on Sunday - will have to post pictures from this! All the years of wearing the tacky Snowman (painted by my mom in the 80's) sweater dress have paid off! I think it probably had something to do with my pregnant belly filling out the snowman this year. I won the best tacky Christmas sweater at the party :)
Gender: We've chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: all the time! I am holding out on getting to see an arm or foot graze my tummy, but have yet to see this.
Food / Drink Cravings: I told my husband the other day that I could eat CFA EVERY day...pregnant or not pregnant, ice cream on a wafer cone, mexican food - my appetite seems to be on the increase this week.
Sleep: I wish! I am still waking up every couple of hours for the bathroom, along with getting up for a midnight snack. I usually become 'wired' at some point during the night and start sleeping the best around 5 AM, when it's time for me to be getting up soon.
What I am looking forward to: meeting GB, finding our home in Tyler and getting settled in the new year.
Symptoms: not much has changed, still feel really good to be so far near the end. I haven't had any swelling (only when being on my feet for a long period 0f time), but if so, it goes away once I get to rest. It is a little harder to move around and adjust while I sleep and get up off the ground - achiness, acid reflux and sleep deprivation are the most common.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Weeks 35 - 36 and counting...
How Far Along: 36 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: honeydew melon - 35 weeks
crenshaw melon - 36 weeks
Size: over 18 inches long and 5 1/4 pounds - 35 weeks
18 1/2 inches long and almost 6 pounds - 36 weeks
Baby Changes: 35 weeks
* GB doesn't have much room to maneuver now - not likely doing somersaults, but # of kicks should remain about the same
* kidneys are fully developed now
* liver can process some waste products now
* most of GB's basic physical development is now complete
36 weeks
* GB is packing on the pounds - about an ounce per day
* shedding most of the downy covering of hair as well as the vernix caseosa - the waxy substance that covered and protected the skin during GB's nine month amniotic bath
* GB swallows both of these substances as well as other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium
* at the end of the 36 weeks, GB will be considered full-term - which is 37-42 weeks
* GB is likely head down (this was confirmed at our appointment this morning)
Total Weight Gain / Loss: I gained another 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks for a total of 33 pounds. I gave myself a pat on the back since last week was Thanksgiving and all and I didn't hold back :)
Best moment this week: We had an awesome week at the lake house with both of our families...enjoyed great weather the first couple of days - family took the jet skis out and went fishing - then we watched lots of football during the men's ping pong tournaments, drank hot cocoa and played Scattergories - always a family favorite!
Gender: We've chosen to be SURPRISED!
Movement: GB is still moving away...
Food / Drink Cravings: eating Turkey day leftovers all week :)
Sleep: supposedly I am a terrible snorer these days (Johnny has conveniently recorded these sessions on his cell phone), but my doctor had my back this morning at our appointment, confirming this will go away as soon as baby is here.
I have been super exhausted this week and it could be for a number of reasons - late nights and early mornings every day last week, allergies are in full force and I'm just not sleeping well, or maybe exhaustion just sets in during the final weeks. I even look sleepy - in just about every picture we took over Thanksgiving last week, I look 'dog-tired'
What I am looking forward to: Getting everything situated for GB's arrival...Johnny and I have the crib up (we are nixing the bassinet since Johnny's brother gave us their old crib last week when they were in town) and everything 'baby' has been washed. For the first time, I felt a huge disappointment of not having our very own place as we put the bedding on and found places in the dressers for GB's little things (the bedding was also given to us, though it is a bit 'boy' specific, it is super cute) and will have to do until we can get a place of our own and I find a neutral bedding I like. Let's just say we will be set if we are having a boy - nursery bedding - check - and clothes passed on from cousin Daniel. :) But have I mentioned I am feeling 'girl' these days?! Although that means nothing...
Symptoms: I experienced my first ' puffiness' this past week (hands and feet), but thankfully it has subsided. I think it was just evidence of 'over-doing' it last week, being on my feet and having the urge for 'nesting' in whatever house we are staying in - cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning.
I do have a little cold now, or allergies, not sure which one, but I think that is zapping my energy this week. It probably has something to do with the fluctuation of the Texas weather - highs in the 70s one day and 30s the next.
Other than that, I feel good! My belly is getting big - will have to post pics soon!
Update from our 36 week appointment today:
We have officially began our weekly appointments from here on out. My cervix was checked (which I can say was not as bad as I expected it to be) and I am at a zero. It has thinned out to 50% which my doctor says is not uncommon, and that I may not thin out to 100% until I am in labor.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Weeks 33 - 34 and counting...
How Far Along: 34 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: pineapple - 33 weeks
an average cantaloupe - 34 weeks
Size: a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17 inch mark - 33 weeks to....
4 3/4 pounds and almost 18 inches long - 34 weeks
Baby Changes: 33 weeks
* GB is rapidly losing the wrinkled, alien look
* skeleton is hardening
* bones in skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, making it easier for travel through the birth canal
34 weeks
* GB's fat layers are filling out, which will help regulate body temperature once born, making baby rounder
* skin is smoother than ever
* central nervous system is maturing, as well as its lungs
Total Weight Gain / Loss: I gained 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks, for a total gain of 31 pounds.
Best Moment this week: Got to spend an awesome weekend with my mom and Saturday with the North's here in Tyler
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: every day :)
Food / Drink Cravings: I am really looking forward to eating a Thanksgiving feast - dad's fried turkey and being new to Tyler, we are trying out the famous Greenberg smoked turkey as well.
Sleep: some nights are better than others. It is definitely getting more challenging to get in and out of bed, especially on a full stomach. Johnny makes fun of the breathing noises I make all night long to get me up and going out of bed and re-adjusting. Hey, whatever helps!
What I am looking forward to: I am heading to Killeen today for a baby shower weekend. Looking forward to seeing my sister and nephew and old friends who will be in town for it.
The following week, Johnny and I get to spend the week with both of our families for Thanksgiving - a family has blessed us with their lake house for the entire week. Not having to travel anywhere is a huge bonus! Plus, I am very excited about eating our Thanksgiving meal. Period.
Symptoms: I surely have some broken or bruised ribs somewhere; especially on my left side...it certainly feels like it. My doctor says that babies tend to choose a 'favorite' side and I am guessing that would be my left. Baby also looks to be sitting lower in my abdomen (my mom actually pointed that out last weekend when she was here) and I had not even noticed. Now some would say that means boy, and others would say a girl. All I know is that I am super excited to find out once GB is here!
I am still taking zofran to get me through the morning yuckies. I choked on my water the other morning while trying to swallow my zofran and ended up throwing up. :/ It doesn't take much when you are already queasy. I think I have forgotten what life was like before nausea / vomiting and acid reflux.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Introducing Guinn Farm...

Monday, November 8, 2010
32 weeks and counting...

Friday, October 29, 2010
31 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 31 weeks

Fruit / Veggie: 4 navel oranges
Size: over 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 lbs
Baby Changes: GB is heading in to a growth spurt
* turning head from side to side
* arms, legs and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates under the skin
Total Weight Gain: will find out next Friday at my appointment
Best Moment this week: Young Life Banquet was a great success - Praise God!
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: Lots, especially after I eat
Food / Drink Cravings: milk, applesauce, peanut butter
What I WILL miss: Jack and Jackie are helping us move this weekend and will be leaving with our cats...a sad day it will be :(
Sleep: it's not the best, but I like to think the frequent bathroom trips (and sometimes snacking) are God's way of preparing me (and every other pregnant woman out there) for life with a newborn. Fortunately, I've had the flexibility for a nap every single day.
I will be officially (for certain this time) starting work on Monday, so I'll see how my days will need adjusting.
What I am looking forward to: getting settled and situated in to temporary home # 3 tomorrow.
I hope to post pictures soon after...
Symptoms: This past week, I have thrown up every other day like clock work...it's like deja vu all over. I am still taking my zofran once the nausea hits, which is usually in the mornings. Nothing else new since last week's update - I still get very tired, have acid reflux and get achy all over.
Monday, October 25, 2010
30 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 30 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: head of cabbage
Size: 15.7 inches long and almost 3 lbs
Baby Changes:
* a pint and a half of amniotic fluid surround GB currently, but the volume will decrease as the baby continues to grow and takes up more room in the uterus
* eyesight continues to develop, even after GB is born it will continue to leave its eyes closed for most of the day
* GB will have 20/400 vision, which means it will only be able to make out objects a few inches from its face
Total Weight Gain: gain of 3 lbs in 2 weeks for a total of 26 lbs.
Best Moment this week: finding out we have a new place to live for the next 90 days! We were about 10 days from moving out of Strout Fork, with NO idea where we were going next.
At my appointment this past Wednesday, I had normal results from my glucose screening and I also had my vitamin D level checked, which was 46.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: Lots!
Food / Drink Cravings: milk, I broke down and bought Little Debbie's Christmas Tree cakes (my absolute favorite), protein bars, peanut butter toast, CFA
What I miss: energy!
Sleep: I wake up pretty achy every day, making bathroom trips every few hours.
What I am looking forward to: the holiday season - Thanksgiving and Christmas and cooler weather; once we get there, the baby will be here before we know it.
We are also moving into our 3rd transition home this coming weekend, we'll post an update on that once we get settled. Johnny's folks will be coming in town to help and will be taking our cats for at least the next 3 months while we are in our new place.
Symptoms: nausea and vomiting just about every day, if not every other day, acid reflux a couple times a day (I read the only 'cure' for this is delivery), shortness of breath, tire very easily and super emotional these days.
I had my first real 'scare' this past Friday. I was pushing the cart to unload my groceries at Wal-Mart when I could barely catch my breath. My ears plugged up and my vision seemed a little off. I left the cart with my groceries in it while I sat in my air-conditioned car for about 10 minutes until I was able to catch my breath. I called Johnny (and scared him to death) crying and somewhat hyperventilating, not sure what was going on, but as I sat there I finally got my breath back. It really freaked me out and my first thought was wondering if the baby was in distress. Fortunately, I felt lots of movement and was relieved.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Mansion at Judges' Hill
Bye Bye Belle, Hello Libby...
My mother-in-law had the great and selfless suggestion of 'trading' vehicles so we could have a 'baby ride'. Did I mention it was not quite an equal trade either?? Belle has over 150,000 miles on her and Libby is just right under 60,000. We are forever grateful Jack & Jackie - thanks for being willing :)
29 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 29 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: butternut squash

Size: 2 1/2 pounds and just over 15 inches from head to heels
Baby Changes:
* muscles and lungs continue to mature
* head is growing bigger to make room for developing brain
* during the 3rd trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in to GB's hardening skeleton each day
Total Weight Gain: I'll find out at my next appointment, this Wednesday
Best Moment this week: We had a fun time at our baby shower in Killeen last weekend. All of Johnny's family drove in for it and we got to spend quality time with friends and family and catch up with some people we had not seen since we moved to Tyler.
Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the event :( I'll have to get some from my mom and post them soon.
We also got our new 'baby ride'...I'll post pictures of this soon as well.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: Lots!
Food / Drink Cravings: Chick-fil-A, milk, clif bars
What I miss: energy
Sleep: I finally bought the Boppy wedge pillow. It has proven to be a great investment so far and supports my tummy while I sleep...without taking up the 'whole bed' (as my husband claims) like my body pillow did.
What I am looking forward to: I am starting my job (from home - YAY!) on Monday. The way this transpired has been nothing short of a gift from God and I look forward to getting started.
Symptoms: (a long one for my memory)
I am definitely feeling the 'woes' of the 3rd trimester and it pretty much just hit me over night. I tire much more easily and little things (I am embarassed to say this, such as making the bed) take my breath away. I am also feeling more aches and pains in my lower back from sitting or walking for extended periods. I just 'feel' the weight / pressure now. It seems crazy how it all just changed like that!
Update on taking Pepcid Complete over zofran at bed time:
I have been a couple of days without zofran here and there, but I have noticed that when I don't take it before I go to bed, I am up at least a couple of times in the middle of the night eating to get me through. So needless to say, with that has brought on vomiting again. One thing that has not changed for me during this pregnancy is that I cannot make it through the night without eating / snacking. This baby needs to be fed or momma gets sick.
I am finally coming to terms with the fact that cereal is not enough to carry me through the night, so Johnny and I invested in some protein bars at Sam's this weekend. I woke up hungry (no zofran) at 2:15 this morning and ate a Clif bar and that got me through until about 7:30 this morning.
If I am going to stick with not taking a zofran at bed time, I need to have some snacks to eat throughout the night. Know of any other good protein snacks?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
28 weeks and counting...
How Far Along: 28 weeks - the start of the 3rd trimester
Fruit / Veggie: Chinese cabbage
Size: 2 1/4 pounds and 14.8 inches from the top of head to heels
Baby Changes:
* GB is blinking eyes which now have eye lashes
* may be able to see the light that filters through the womb
* developing billions of neurons in brain
* adding more body fat in preparation for life outside the womb
Total Weight Gain / Loss: I gained 5 lbs in the last 4 weeks - for a total of 23 lbs
Best Moment this week: Celebrated my 27th year of life along with GB's start to the 3rd trimester.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: every day - some kicks are so strong they make me jump
Food / Drink Cravings: I've noticed a change in my appetite over the past few days - it seems to be a little LESS! I have been on a chicken salad kick lately and salads finally sound and taste appetizing to me.
What I miss: nothing comes to mind...
Sleep: interrupted with trips to the bathroom and feeding time for me - I am sure this is great preparation for life with a newborn.
What I am looking forward to: Johnny & I are headed to Killeen for a baby shower.
Symptoms: I was a little anxious about my glucose screening exam this week (test for gestational diabetes), but it was actually not bad at all. I recommend the 'orange' flavored drink. :)
I got to meet with a new OB/GYN at our facility and she suggested I start taking Pepcid Complete before I go to bed each evening, rather than zofran. She said the Pepcid would be treating the cause of nausea/vomiting, rather than the zofran just treating the sympotoms of it.
I'm going to give it a try and see how it works.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Weeks 25 - 27 and counting...
Pregnancy Highlights: GB stands for Gummy Bear
How Far Along: 27 weeks
Fruit / Veggie: GB went from an average rutabaga (25 wks) to an English hothouse cucumber (26 wks) - I have no idea - to currently a head of cauliflower (27 wks).
Size: 13 1/2 inches from head to heels and about 1 1/2 pounds (25 wks)
14 inches long and about 1 2/3 pounds (26 wks)
14 1/2 inches long and about 2 pounds (27 wks)
Baby changes:
25 wks
* beginning to change the long lean look for some baby fat, wrinkled skin will become more smooth
* hair is growing more and more - if we could see it now, we'd be able to discern its color and texture
26 wks
*network of nerves in GB's ears are better developed and more sensitive than before
* GB may be able to hear not only my voice, but Johnny's too
* inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid
* if it's a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum - a process that could take 2-3 days
27 wks
*GB is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing eyes and perhaps even sucking its fingers
* brain is very active now
* lungs are still immature, but if GB was to come now, they would be capable of functioning with a lot of medical help
Total Weight Gain / Loss: I'll find out next week at my glucose screening appt. After next week, my appointments will go from every 4 to every 2 weeks at the start of my 3rd trimester.
Best Moment this week: Johnny took me to Nacogdoches (my very 1st time) on Saturday to show me around SFA and we went to the football game versus Lamar...or shut-out I should say.
Gender: We've chosen to be surprised!
Movement: I am loving this part of being pregnant! Johnny got to feel the first movement on Sept 11. I have definitely seen movement through my shirt and am noticing GB's more active and non-active patterns during the day.
Food/Drink Cravings: I want to eat all the junk! I never struggled with or desired to drink a soda before I was pregnant, oh but now that I am, I could have a coke every day...and that's just one example. Don't get me started on the aisles of Halloween candy...
I think the Apostle Paul summarizes this up for me well in Romans 7:15-16...(yes, totally taken out of context) 'I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.'
Basically I want to eat whatever I want / whatever sounds good and justify it because 'I'm pregnant.' I know full well it's not the best choice for me and our baby. Oh the temptations of life...and a pregnant woman.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now...
I've been eating pineapple, strawberries, oranges and purple grapes these days (I love fruit and fortunately, always have)...applesauce and Kozy Shack rice pudding. I'm also keeping Kellogg's and General Mills in business with my cereal consumption. That has been one thing that has not changed during this pregnancy - cereal, any time of the day. I made a chicken tortilla soup this week to welcome the cold front (highs in the 80's and lows in the 50-60's).
What I miss: sleeping through the night...not waking up to pee every couple of hours
Sleep: still sleeping pretty good, I can definitely feel the need for support on my growing tummy when I'm laying on my sides.
What I am looking forward to: Johnny and I are taking a 'Baby-Moon' this week to Austin. A friend blessed us with a 2 night stay at a boutique hotel and we are looking forward to getting away, probably our last time to do this before GB is here.
Symptoms: I am off the Benadryl I was taking before I go to bed as of this week and symptoms have been fine. I think it's because my cough that I've had since May is finally gone. The drainage and cough was sometimes causing me to vomit.
I am feeling the weight / pressure of baby on my bladder now and have noticed the frequency of bathroom trips are much much more. I won't even drink anything and need to pee 15 minutes after I just went.
I do have to re-adjust when sitting for a while because my left rib starts getting sore.
Other than that, I have really been feeling great. Lots of people have been sweet to compliment me and tell me I look great and my 'small belly' too. :) Although my belly looks big to me, I can't imagine what it will be like near the end. Minus the cellulite in my thighs and a fuller face, I think I have been fortunate enough to gain OR at least look like I've gained most of the weight in my belly. And I am very aware that that will probably all be changing, but just let me relish in this moment right now please. :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Strout Fork
Bourne and Bauer are loving life in the country
living room
view from the front porch
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Weeks 21 - 24 and counting...
Weight of a large mango (23 wks)